Price List
Standard Sets
Expanded Sets
Unlimited Sets
Other and Unsorted
Box Prices
Source: TCGplayer Mid
TCGplayer Low
TCGplayer Mid
TCGplayer Market
Black and White Promos
- Promo
Altaria - BW48 (Prerelease) [H]
Altaria - BW48 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Ampharos - BW67 [H]
Arcanine - 12/99 (Prerelease) [H]
Arcanine - 12/99 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Axew - BW10 [H]
Axew - BW16 [N]
Axew - BW16 [H]
Axew - BW26 [H]
Battle City - BW39 [H]
Black Kyurem - BW58 [H]
Black Kyurem EX - BW62 [H]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [N]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [H]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [Staff] [N]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [Staff] [H]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [Top 16] [H]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [Top Thirty-Two] [N]
Champions Festival - BW95 (Worlds 13) [Top Thirty-Two] [H]
Crobat - BW51 (Team Plasma) (Prerelease) [H]
Crobat - BW51 (Team Plasma) (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Darkrai (Team Plasma) - BW73 [H]
Darkrai EX - BW46 [H]
Darmanitan - 25/114 (Prerelease) [H]
Darmanitan - 25/114 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Darumaka - BW18 [H]
Deoxys EX (Team Plasma) - BW82 [H]
Druddigon (Team Plasma) - BW80 [H]
Eevee - BW94 [H]
Eevee - BW97 [H]
Electrode (Team Plasma) - BW76 [H]
Elgyem - BW55 [N]
Elgyem - BW55 [H]
Emboar - BW21 [H]
Empoleon - BW56 [H]
Espeon - BW92 [H]
Flareon - BW88 [H]
Flygon - BW53 (Prerelease) [H]
Flygon - BW53 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Genesect - BW101 [N]
Genesect - BW99 [H]
Genesect (Team Plasma) - BW86 [H]
Gigalith - 53/98 (Prerelease) [H]
Gigalith 53/98 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Glaceon - BW90 [H]
Haxorus - BW57 [H]
Jigglypuff - BW65 [N]
Jigglypuff - BW65 [H]
Jolteon - BW91 [H]
Keldeo - BW60 [N]
Keldeo - BW60 (Tinsel Holo) [H]
Keldeo EX - BW61 [H]
Kyurem - BW44 [H]
Kyurem EX - BW37 [H]
Landorus - BW43 [H]
Landorus (Team Plasma) - BW79 [H]
Leafeon - BW87 [H]
Lilligant - BW49 [H]
Lillipup - BW52 [R]
Litwick - BW27 [H]
Lugia EX (Team Plasma) - BW83 [H]
Luxio - BW34 (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Meowth - BW35 [N]
Meowth - BW35 [H]
Metagross - BW75 (Team Plasma) (Prerelease) [H]
Metagross - BW75 (Team Plasma) (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Mew - BW98 [H]
Mewtwo EX - BW45 [H]
Minccino - BW13 (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Minccino - BW13 (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
N (Supporter) - BW100 [H]
Ninetales - BW66 [H]
Oshawott - BW08 [H]
Pansage - BW14 [N]
Pansage - BW14 [H]
Pikachu - 163/BW-P (JP PKM BW National Illustrated Encyclopedia) [N]
Porygon-Z (Team Plasma) - BW84 (Prerelease) [H]
Porygon-Z (Team Plasma) - BW84 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Rayquaza EX -BW47 [H]
Reshiram - BW23 [H]
Reshiram EX - BW36 [H]
Riolu - BW33 [N]
Riolu - BW33 [H]
Riolu - BW33 (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Samurott - BW22 [H]
Scraggy - BW25 (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Thundurus EX (Team Plasma) - BW81 [H]
Tornadus - BW42 [R]
Tornadus EX - BW96 (Prerelease) [H]
Tornadus EX - BW96 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [N]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Quarter-Finalist] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Semi Finalist] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Staff] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Staff] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Top 16] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Top 16] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Top 32] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW28 (Worlds 11) [Top 32] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [N]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [H]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Quarter-Finalist] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Semi-Finalist] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Staff] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Staff] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Top 16] [H]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Top 32] [N]
Tropical Beach - BW50 (Worlds 12) [Top 32] [H]
Umbreon - BW93 [H]
Vaporeon - BW89 [H]
Victini - 43/101 (Prerelease) [H]
Victini - 43/101 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Victini - BW32 [H]
Victory Cup - BW29 (Battle Road Autumn 2011) [3rd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW29 (Battle Road Autumn 2012) [3rd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW29 (Battle Road Spring 2012) [3rd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW29 (Battle Road Spring 2013) [3rd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW30 (Battle Road Autumn 2011) [2nd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW30 (Battle Road Autumn 2012) [2nd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW30 (Battle Road Spring 2012) [2nd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW30 (Battle Road Spring 2013) [2nd Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW31 (Battle Road Autumn 2011) [1st Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW31 (Battle Road Autumn 2012) [1st Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW31 (Battle Road Spring 2012) [1st Place] [H]
Victory Cup - BW31 (Battle Road Spring 2013) [1st Place] [H]
Virizion - BW70 [H]
Volcarona - BW40 (Prerelease) [H]
Volcarona - BW40 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
White Kyurem - BW59 [H]
White Kyurem EX - BW63 [H]
Zekrom - BW24 [H]
Zekrom EX - BW38 [H]
Zorua - BW12 [H]
Black and White Promos
- Holo Rare
Giratina (Team Plasma) [H]
Lucario - BW85 [H]
Luxio - BW34 (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Pikachu [N]
Pikachu [H]
Black and White Promos
- Rare
Pidove - BW15 [N]
Pidove - BW15 [H]
Pikachu - BW54 [N]
Black and White
- Code Card
Code Card - Black and White Booster Pack [N]
Code Card - Black and White Theme Deck - "Blue Assault" [Samurott] [N]
Black and White
- Secret Rare
Black and White
- Full Art
Reshiram (113 Full Art)
Zekrom (114 Full Art)
Black and White
- Holo Rare
Emboar (19) [H]
Emboar (19) [R]
Emboar (20) [H]
Emboar (20) [R]
Krookodile [R]
Reshiram [H]
Reshiram [R]
Reuniclus [H]
Reuniclus [R]
Samurott (31) [R]
Samurott (32) [H]
Samurott (32) [R]
Serperior (5) [R]
Serperior (6) [H]
Serperior (6) [R]
Zekrom [H]
Zekrom [R]
Zoroark [H]
Zoroark [R]
Black and White
- Rare
Darmanitan [R]
Lilligant [R]
Maractus (12) [R]
Sawsbuck [R]
Scrafty [R]
Zebstrika (43) [R]
Black and White
- Uncommon
Audino [R]
Basculin [R]
Bouffalant (90) [R]
Dewott (29) [R]
Dewott (30) [R]
Duosion [R]
Energy Retrieval [R]
Gurdurr [R]
Herdier [R]
Klang [R]
Krokorok [R]
Maractus (11) [R]
Munna [R]
Pignite (17) [R]
Pignite (18) [R]
Pokemon Communication [R]
Professor Juniper [R]
Servine (3) [R]
Servine (4) [R]
Swoobat [R]
Tranquill [R]
Whirlipede [R]
Zebstrika (42) [R]
Black and White
- Common
Darkness Energy (Basic) [N]
Darkness Energy (Basic) [R]
Deerling [R]
Ducklett [R]
Energy Search [R]
Fighting Energy [N]
Fighting Energy [R]
Fire Energy [N]
Fire Energy [R]
Grass Energy [N]
Grass Energy [R]
Joltik (44) [R]
Klink [R]
Lightning Energy [N]
Lightning Energy [R]
Lillipup (80) [R]
Lillipup (81) [R]
Metal Energy (Basic) [N]
Metal Energy (Basic) [R]
Oshawott (27) [R]
Oshawott (28) [R]
Pidove [R]
Psychic Energy [N]
Psychic Energy [R]
Purrloin [R]
Sandile [R]
Snivy (2) [R]
Tepig (15) [R]
Tepig (16) [R]
Venipede [R]
Water Energy [N]
Water Energy [R]
Zorua [R]
McDonald's Promos 2011
- Promo
Alomomola - 5/12 [H]
Audino - 12/12 [H]
Blitzle - 6/12 [H]
Klink - 10/12 [H]
Maractus - 2/12 [H]
Munna - 7/12 [H]
Oshawott - 4/12 [H]
Pidove - 11/12 [H]
Sandile - 8/12 [H]
Snivy - 1/12 [H]
Tepig - 3/12 [N]
Tepig - 3/12 [H]
Zorua - 9/12 [H]
Emerging Powers
- Code Card
Code Card - Emerging Powers Theme Deck - "Power Play" [Krookodile] [N]
Code Card - Emerging Powers Theme Deck - "Toxic Tricks" [Scolipede] [N]
Code Card - Reshiram Box [N]
Code Card - Zekrom Box [N]
Code Card - Zoroark-Illusions Collection [N]
Emerging Powers
- Full Art
Thundurus (97 Full Art)
Tornadus (98 Full Art)
Emerging Powers
- Holo Rare
Braviary [R]
Cobalion [R]
Gothitelle (47) [R]
Tornadus [R]
Emerging Powers
- Rare
Leavanny (7) [R]
Sawsbuck [R]
Unfezant [R]
Emerging Powers
- Uncommon
Bianca [R]
Crushing Hammer [R]
Gothorita (46) [R]
Great Ball [R]
Max Potion [R]
Pokemon Catcher [N]
Pokemon Catcher [R]
Recycle [R]
Emerging Powers
- Common
Cubchoo (28) [R]
Cubchoo (29) [R]
Deerling [R]
Drilbur (55) [R]
Ducklett [R]
Emolga [R]
Ferroseed (71) [R]
Klink [R]
Minccino [R]
Petilil [R]
Pidove [R]
Rufflet (86) [R]
Sewaddle (3) [R]
Sewaddle (4) [R]
Venipede [R]
BW Trainer Kit: Excadrill & Zoroark
- Common
Darkness Energy (#10) [N]
Darkness Energy (#20) [N]
Darkness Energy (#24) [N]
Darkness Energy (#26) [N]
Darkness Energy (#28) [N]
Darkness Energy (#3) [N]
Darkness Energy (#6) [N]
Darkness Energy (#8) [N]
Darkness Energy (#9) [N]
Fighting Energy (#2) [N]
Fighting Energy (#26) [N]
Fighting Energy (#28) [N]
Fighting Energy (#3) [N]
Fighting Energy (#5) [N]
Fighting Energy (#6) [N]
Fighting Energy (#9) [N]
Purrloin (#25) [N]
Zoroark (#17 Non-Holo) [N]
Noble Victories
- Code Card
Code Card - Prime Challenge Box [Machamp] [N]
Noble Victories
- Secret Rare
Noble Victories
- Full Art
Cobalion (100 Full Art)
N (Supporter)
Terrakion (99 Full Art)
Victini (98 Full Art)
Noble Victories
- Holo Rare
Conkeldurr (64) [H]
Conkeldurr (64) [R]
Eelektross [R]
Haxorus [H]
Haxorus [R]
Hydreigon [H]
Hydreigon [R]
Kyurem [H]
Kyurem [R]
Landorus [H]
Landorus [R]
Terrakion [H]
Terrakion [R]
Victini (14) [H]
Victini (14) [R]
Victini (15) [H]
Victini (15) [R]
Noble Victories
- Rare
Archeops [N]
Archeops [R]
Beheeyem [N]
Beheeyem [R]
Carracosta [N]
Carracosta [R]
Chandelure [N]
Chandelure [R]
Cofagrigus (46) [R]
Cofagrigus (47) [R]
Cryogonal (33) [R]
Gigalith [R]
Jellicent [R]
Lilligant [R]
Seismitoad [R]
Vanilluxe [R]
Victini (43) [N]
Victini (43) [R]
Volcarona [R]
Noble Victories
- Uncommon
Amoonguss [R]
Archen [R]
Audino [R]
Bisharp (76) [R]
Crustle [R]
Durant [N]
Durant [R]
Eelektrik [N]
Eelektrik [R]
Emolga [R]
Fraxure [R]
Garbodor [R]
Gurdurr [R]
Heatmor [R]
Lampent [N]
Lampent [R]
Mienshao [R]
N (Supporter) [N]
N (Supporter) [R]
Palpitoad [R]
Stunfisk (68) [R]
Super Rod [N]
Super Rod [R]
Swadloon [R]
Tirtouga [N]
Tirtouga [R]
Vanillish [R]
Xtransceiver [R]
Zweilous [R]
Noble Victories
- Common
Axew [R]
Blitzle [N]
Blitzle [R]
Dwebble [R]
Elgyem (54) [R]
Elgyem (55) [R]
Larvesta (19) [R]
Litwick (57) [R]
Litwick (58) [R]
Pawniard (75) [R]
Pawniard (81) [R]
Shelmet [R]
Timburr [R]
Trubbish [N]
Trubbish [R]
Tynamo (38) [R]
Tynamo (39) [R]
Yamask (44) [R]
Yamask (45) [R]
Next Destinies
- Code Card
Code Card - EX Tin [Kyurem] [N]
Code Card - EX Tin [Reshiram] [N]
Code Card - Mewtwo Collection [N]
Code Card - Next Destinies Theme Deck - "Explosive Edge" [Reshiram] [N]
Code Card - Next Destinies Theme Deck - "Voltage Vortex" [Zekrom] [N]
Next Destinies
- Secret Rare
Next Destinies
- Full Art
Kyurem EX (96 Full Art)
Mewtwo EX (98 Full Art)
Regigigas EX (99 Full Art)
Reshiram EX (95 Full Art)
Shaymin EX (94 Full Art)
Zekrom EX (97 Full Art)
Next Destinies
- Ultra Rare
Kyurem EX
Mewtwo EX
Regigigas EX
Reshiram EX
Shaymin EX
Zekrom EX
Next Destinies
- Holo Rare
Articuno [H]
Articuno [R]
Gardevoir [H]
Gardevoir [R]
Lucario [H]
Lucario [R]
Moltres [H]
Moltres [R]
Zapdos [H]
Zapdos [R]
Next Destinies
- Rare
Darmanitan [N]
Darmanitan [R]
Musharna [N]
Musharna [R]
Next Destinies
- Uncommon
Arcanine (13) [R]
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Heavy Ball [R]
Jigglypuff [R]
Lapras (26) [R]
Level Ball [N]
Level Ball [R]
Prism Energy [N]
Prism Energy [R]
Raichu [R]
Next Destinies
- Common
Growlithe (10) [R]
Growlithe (11) [R]
Litwick [R]
Pikachu [N]
Pikachu [R]
Ralts [R]
Riolu [R]
Shinx (42) [R]
Shinx (43) [R]
Dark Explorers
- Code Card
Code Card - Dark Explorers Booster Pack [N]
Dark Explorers
- Secret Rare
Pokemon Catcher (Gold)
Dark Explorers
- Full Art
Darkrai EX (107 Full Art)
Entei EX (103 Full Art)
Groudon EX (106 Full Art)
Kyogre EX (104 Full Art)
Raikou EX (105 Full Art)
Tornadus EX (108 Full Art)
Dark Explorers
- Ultra Rare
Darkrai EX
Entei EX
Groudon EX
Kyogre EX
Raikou EX
Tornadus EX
Dark Explorers
- Holo Rare
Blaziken [H]
Blaziken [R]
Empoleon [H]
Empoleon [R]
Haxorus [H]
Haxorus [R]
Venusaur [H]
Venusaur [R]
Volcarona [R]
Dark Explorers
- Rare
Accelgor [R]
Aerodactyl [N]
Aerodactyl [R]
Cofagrigus [R]
Espeon [N]
Espeon [R]
Excadrill (56) [R]
Glaceon [N]
Glaceon [R]
Leafeon [N]
Leafeon [R]
Slowking [R]
Swanna [R]
Zoroark [R]
Dark Explorers
- Uncommon
Combusken [R]
Crustle [R]
Dark Claw [N]
Dark Claw [R]
Dark Patch [N]
Dark Patch [R]
Eelektrik [R]
Enhanced Hammer [N]
Enhanced Hammer [R]
Flareon [N]
Flareon [R]
Herdier [R]
Ivysaur [N]
Ivysaur [R]
Jolteon [N]
Jolteon [R]
Klang [R]
Krokorok [R]
N (Supporter) [N]
N (Supporter) [R]
Palpitoad [R]
Prinplup [R]
Professor Juniper [N]
Professor Juniper [R]
Random Receiver [R]
Rare Candy [N]
Rare Candy [R]
Sableye [N]
Sableye [R]
Scyther [N]
Scyther [R]
Slowbro [R]
Torkoal [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
Umbreon (60) [N]
Umbreon (60) [R]
Umbreon (61) [N]
Umbreon (61) [R]
Vaporeon [N]
Vaporeon [R]
Yamask [R]
Dark Explorers
- Common
Bulbasaur [N]
Bulbasaur [R]
Chansey (80) [R]
Chansey (81) [R]
Drilbur [R]
Eevee (83) [N]
Eevee (83) [R]
Eevee (84) [N]
Eevee (84) [R]
Joltik (42) [R]
Klink [R]
Larvesta (21) [R]
Minun [R]
Piplup [R]
Plusle [R]
Slowpoke [R]
Torchic (14) [R]
Torchic (15) [R]
Tynamo (45) [R]
Woobat [R]
Zorua (69) [N]
Zorua (69) [R]
Zorua (70) [N]
Zorua (70) [R]
McDonald's Promos 2012
- Promo
Axew - 12/12 [H]
Dewott - 5/12 [H]
Drilbur - 8/12 [H]
Dwebble - 3/12 [H]
Emolga - 6/12 [H]
Klang - 11/12 [H]
Pansage - 2/12 [H]
Pignite - 4/12 [H]
Purrloin - 9/12 [H]
Scraggy - 10/12 [H]
Servine - 1/12 [H]
Woobat - 7/12 [H]
Dragons Exalted
- Secret Rare
Dragons Exalted
- Full Art
Giratina EX (124 Full Art)
Ho-Oh Ex (119 Full Art)
Mew EX (120 Full Art)
Rayquaza EX (123 Full Art)
Registeel EX (122 Full Art)
Terrakion EX (121 Full Art)
Dragons Exalted
- Ultra Rare
Giratina EX
Ho-Oh EX
Mew EX
Rayquaza EX
Registeel EX
Terrakion EX
Dragons Exalted
- Holo Rare
Aggron [R]
Ampharos [H]
Ampharos [R]
Garbodor [H]
Garbodor [R]
Garchomp (90) [H]
Garchomp (90) [R]
Hydreigon (97) [H]
Milotic [H]
Ninetales [H]
Ninetales [R]
Wailord [R]
Dragons Exalted
- Rare
Garchomp (91) [R]
Gothitelle [R]
Gyarados [R]
Houndoom [R]
Roserade (15) [N]
Roserade (15) [R]
Shedinja [N]
Shedinja [R]
Dragons Exalted
- Uncommon
Audino [R]
Blend Energy GFPD [N]
Blend Energy GFPD [R]
Blend Energy WLFM [N]
Blend Energy WLFM [R]
Devolution Spray [R]
Emolga [R]
Flaaffy [R]
Floatzel [R]
Gabite (88) [R]
Gabite (89) [N]
Gabite (89) [R]
Ninjask [R]
Rescue Scarf [N]
Rescue Scarf [R]
Roselia (12) [N]
Roselia (12) [R]
Roserade (14) [R]
Swablu (104) [R]
Wailmer [R]
Zweilous (95) [R]
Dragons Exalted
- Common
Buizel [R]
Deino (93) [R]
Drifloon (49) [R]
Drifloon (50) [R]
Gible (87) [R]
Magikarp [R]
Rufflet [R]
Spheal [R]
Trubbish [R]
Vulpix [R]
Wurmple [R]
Dragon Vault
- Holo Rare
Dragonair (3) [H]
Dragonair (4) [H]
Dragonite [H]
Dratini (1) [H]
Dratini (2) [H]
Druddigon [H]
Haxorus [H]
Kyurem [H]
Latias [H]
Latios [H]
Rayquaza [H]
Salamence [H]
Super Rod [H]
Boundaries Crossed
- Code Card
Code Card - Boundaries Crossed Theme Deck - "Ice Shock" [White Kyurem] [N]
Boundaries Crossed
- Secret Rare
Rocky Helmet
Boundaries Crossed
- Full Art
Bianca (147 Full Art)
Black Kyurem EX (145 Full Art)
Celebi EX (141 Full Art)
Cheren (148 Full Art)
Cresselia EX (143 Full Art)
Keldeo EX (142 Full Art)
Landorus EX (144 Full Art)
Skyla (149 Full Art)
White Kyurem EX (146 Full Art)
Boundaries Crossed
- Ultra Rare
Black Kyurem EX
Celebi EX
Cresselia EX
Landorus EX
White Kyurem EX
Boundaries Crossed
- Holo Rare
Blastoise [H]
Blastoise [R]
Charizard [H]
Charizard [R]
Crustle [H]
Crustle [R]
Ditto [H]
Ditto [R]
Dusknoir [H]
Dusknoir [R]
Electivire [R]
Emboar [H]
Emboar [R]
Flygon [H]
Flygon [R]
Gliscor [R]
Liepard [H]
Liepard [R]
Meloetta [H]
Meloetta [R]
Samurott [H]
Samurott [R]
Scizor [H]
Scolipede [H]
Scolipede [R]
Serperior [H]
Serperior [R]
Stoutland [H]
Stoutland [R]
Tangrowth [H]
Tangrowth [R]
Vileplume [H]
Vileplume [R]
Zebstrika [R]
Boundaries Crossed
- Rare Ace
Computer Search [H]
Crystal Edge [H]
Crystal Wall [H]
Gold Potion [H]
Boundaries Crossed
- Rare
Black Kyurem [R]
Lilligant [R]
Shaymin [R]
Boundaries Crossed
- Uncommon
Azumarill [R]
Charmeleon [N]
Charmeleon [R]
Croagunk (65) [R]
Darmanitan [R]
Delcatty [R]
Dewott [R]
Farfetch'd [R]
Gloom [R]
Golduck (34) [R]
Gothorita [R]
Great Ball [R]
Heracross [R]
Lopunny [R]
Mienshao [R]
Munna [N]
Munna [R]
Pignite [N]
Pignite [R]
Raticate [N]
Raticate [R]
Servine [R]
Skarmory (96) [R]
Snorlax [N]
Snorlax [R]
Town Map [N]
Town Map [R]
Vibrava [R]
Wartortle [R]
Wobbuffet [R]
Boundaries Crossed
- Common
Buneary [R]
Charmander [N]
Charmander [R]
Croagunk (64) [R]
Dunsparce [R]
Duskull [R]
Energy Search [R]
Gothita [R]
Lillipup [R]
Marill [R]
Meowth [R]
Oddish [R]
Oshawott [R]
Petilil [R]
Pikachu [N]
Pikachu [R]
Psyduck (32) [R]
Psyduck (33) [R]
Sandshrew [R]
Scyther [R]
Skitty [R]
Spinda [R]
Squirtle [N]
Squirtle [R]
Tangela [R]
Tepig [R]
Togepi [N]
Togepi [R]
Trapinch [R]
Venipede [R]
Plasma Storm
- Secret Rare
Plasma Storm
- Full Art
Articuno EX (Team Plasma) (132 Full Art)
Cobalion EX (133 Full Art)
Colress (Team Plasma) (135 Full Art)
Lugia EX (Team Plasma) (134 Full Art)
Victini EX (131 Full Art)
Plasma Storm
- Ultra Rare
Articuno EX (Team Plasma)
Black Kyurem EX
Cobalion EX
Lugia EX (Team Plasma)
Moltres EX (Team Plasma)
Random Receiver
Victini EX
White Kyurem EX
Zapdos EX (Team Plasma)
Plasma Storm
- Holo Rare
Crobat (Team Plasma) [H]
Crobat (Team Plasma) [R]
Gallade [H]
Gallade [R]
Infernape (Team Plasma) [H]
Infernape (Team Plasma) [R]
Klinklang (Team Plasma) [R]
Lucario (78) [H]
Lucario (78) [R]
Magnezone (Team Plasma) [H]
Magnezone (Team Plasma) [R]
Togekiss [H]
Togekiss [R]
Weezing (Team Plasma) [R]
Plasma Storm
- Rare Ace
Dowsing Machine [H]
Scramble Switch [H]
Victory Piece [H]
Plasma Storm
- Rare
Cherrim [R]
Conkeldurr [R]
Giratina (Team Plasma) [R]
Jellicent (Team Plasma) [R]
Ludicolo [R]
Scrafty (Team Plasma) [R]
Snorlax (Team Plasma) [N]
Snorlax (Team Plasma) [R]
Torterra (Team Plasma) [N]
Torterra (Team Plasma) [R]
Plasma Storm
- Uncommon
Bicycle [N]
Bicycle [R]
Colress (Team Plasma) [N]
Colress (Team Plasma) [R]
Colress Machine (Team Plasma) [R]
Donphan [R]
Durant (Team Plasma) (91) [R]
Escape Rope [R]
Ether [R]
Galvantula [R]
Grotle [R]
Gurdurr [R]
Heatmor [R]
Hypnotoxic Laser (Team Plasma) [N]
Hypnotoxic Laser (Team Plasma) [R]
Kirlia [R]
Koffing (57) [R]
Lombre [R]
Lucario (77) [R]
Lunatone [R]
Magneton (44) [R]
Magneton (45) [R]
Monferno [R]
Plasma Energy (Team Plasma) [R]
Rotom (Team Plasma) [R]
Togetic [R]
Trubbish (63) [R]
Virbank City Gym [N]
Virbank City Gym [R]
Plasma Storm
- Common
Cubchoo [R]
Patrat (111) [R]
Ralts [R]
Riolu (75) [R]
Riolu (76) [R]
Squirtle [N]
Squirtle [R]
Togepi [N]
Togepi [R]
Trubbish (65) [R]
Turtwig [R]
Zubat (52) [R]
Zubat (53) [R]
Plasma Freeze
- Secret Rare
Empoleon (117 Secret Rare)
Garbodor (119 Secret Rare)
Garchomp (120 Secret Rare)
Max Potion (121 Secret Rare)
Ultra Ball
Plasma Freeze
- Full Art
Deoxys EX (Team Plasma)
Ghetsis (Team Plasma)
Heatran EX (Team Plasma)
Latias EX (112 Full Art)
Latios EX (113 Full Art)
Professor Juniper (116 Full Art)
Thundurus EX (Team Plasma) (110 Full Art)
Tornadus EX (Team Plasma) (114 Full Art)
Plasma Freeze
- Ultra Rare
Deoxys EX (Team Plasma)
Heatran EX (Team Plasma)
Latias EX
Latios EX
Thundurus EX (Team Plasma)
Tornadus EX (Team Plasma)
Plasma Freeze
- Holo Rare
Absol (Team Plasma) [H]
Absol (Team Plasma) [R]
Chandelure (Team Plasma) [H]
Chandelure (Team Plasma) [R]
Cofagrigus (Team Plasma) (56) [H]
Cofagrigus (Team Plasma) (56) [R]
Dragonite [H]
Dragonite [R]
Electrode [H]
Electrode [R]
Ghetsis (Team Plasma) [R]
Hydreigon (Team Plasma) [H]
Hydreigon (Team Plasma) [R]
Kingdra [R]
Kyurem (Team Plasma) [H]
Kyurem (Team Plasma) [R]
Metagross (Team Plasma) [H]
Metagross (Team Plasma) [R]
Reshiram [H]
Reshiram [R]
Sceptile [H]
Sceptile [R]
Umbreon (Team Plasma) [H]
Umbreon (Team Plasma) [R]
Plasma Freeze
- Rare Ace
Life Dew [H]
Rock Guard [H]
Plasma Freeze
- Rare
Cofagrigus (Team Plasma) (57) [R]
Exeggutor [R]
Glaceon (Team Plasma) [N]
Glaceon (Team Plasma) [R]
Kecleon [R]
Krookodile (Team Plasma) [R]
Leafeon (Team Plasma) [N]
Leafeon (Team Plasma) [R]
Mr. Mime [N]
Mr. Mime [R]
Nidoking [R]
Nidoqueen [R]
Sableye (Team Plasma) [R]
Staraptor [R]
Steelix (Team Plasma) [R]
Weavile (Team Plasma) [R]
Plasma Freeze
- Uncommon
Bisharp (Team Plasma) (74) [R]
Cryogonal (Team Plasma) [R]
Dragonair [N]
Dragonair [R]
Espeon (Team Plasma) [N]
Espeon (Team Plasma) [R]
Exeggcute [N]
Exeggcute [R]
Flareon (Team Plasma) [N]
Flareon (Team Plasma) [R]
Float Stone [N]
Float Stone [R]
Frozen City (Team Plasma) [N]
Frozen City (Team Plasma) [R]
Jolteon (Team Plasma) [N]
Jolteon (Team Plasma) [R]
Miltank [R]
Nidorina [R]
Onix [R]
Plasma Energy (Team Plasma) [R]
Seadra [R]
Shadow Triad (Team Plasma) [R]
Superior Energy Retrieval [N]
Superior Energy Retrieval [R]
Team Plasma Ball (Team Plasma) [R]
Vaporeon (Team Plasma) [N]
Vaporeon (Team Plasma) [R]
Zweilous [R]
Plasma Freeze
- Common
Dratini [R]
Eevee (89) [R]
Eevee (90) [R]
Nidoran F [R]
Rattata [R]
Treecko [R]
Wooper [R]
Plasma Blast
- Code Card
Code Card - Team Plasma Tin [Deoxys EX] [N]
Code Card - Team Plasma Tin [Thundurus EX] [N]
Plasma Blast
- Secret Rare
Dusknoir (104 Secret Rare)
Exeggcute (102 Secret Rare)
Rare Candy (105 Secret Rare)
Plasma Blast
- Full Art
Dialga EX (Team Plasma) (99 Full Art)
Genesect EX (Team Plasma) (97 Full Art)
Iris (101 Full Art)
Jirachi EX (98 Full Art)
Palkia EX (Team Plasma) (100 Full Art)
Virizion EX
Plasma Blast
- Ultra Rare
Dialga EX (Team Plasma)
Genesect EX (Team Plasma)
Jirachi EX
Kyurem EX
Palkia EX (Team Plasma)
Virizion EX
Plasma Blast
- Holo Rare
Blastoise [H]
Blastoise [R]
Houndoom [R]
Salamence [H]
Salamence [R]
Plasma Blast
- Rare Ace
G Booster (Team Plasma) [H]
G Scope (Team Plasma) [H]
Master Ball [H]
Scoop Up Cyclone [H]
Plasma Blast
- Rare
Aggron [R]
Carracosta [R]
Cradily [R]
Machamp (50) [R]
Suicune [R]
Uxie [R]
Plasma Blast
- Uncommon
Caitlin [R]
Lileep [R]
Pokemon Catcher [R]
Professor Juniper [R]
Rare Candy [R]
Tirtouga [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
Wartortle [N]
Wartortle [R]
Plasma Blast
- Common
Lapras [R]
Squirtle [N]
Squirtle [R]
Legendary Treasures
- Full Art
Reshiram (114 Full Art Secret Rare) (Secret Rare)
Zekrom (115 Full Art Secret Rare) (Secret Rare)
Legendary Treasures
- Ultra Rare
Black Kyurem EX
Chandelure EX
Darkrai EX
Excadrill EX
Keldeo EX
Kyurem EX
Lugia EX (Team Plasma)
Mewtwo EX
Reshiram EX
Victini EX
White Kyurem EX
Zekrom EX
Legendary Treasures
- Holo Rare
Articuno [H]
Articuno [R]
Charizard [H]
Charizard [R]
Cinccino [R]
Emboar [H]
Emboar [R]
Garbodor [H]
Garchomp [H]
Garchomp [R]
Hydreigon [H]
Hydreigon [R]
Kyurem [R]
Lucario [H]
Lucario [R]
Meloetta (78) [H]
Meloetta (78) [R]
Mewtwo [H]
Mewtwo [R]
Moltres [H]
Moltres [R]
Rayquaza [H]
Rayquaza [R]
Reshiram [H]
Reshiram [R]
Samurott [R]
Serperior [H]
Serperior [R]
Victini [R]
Zapdos [H]
Zapdos [R]
Zekrom [R]
Legendary Treasures
- Rare
Empoleon [R]
Gallade [R]
Gyarados [R]
Mismagius [R]
Ninetales [R]
Phione [R]
Legendary Treasures
- Uncommon
Bouffalant [R]
Charmeleon [N]
Charmeleon [R]
Cherubi [R]
Crushing Hammer [R]
Crustle [R]
Dewott [R]
Double Colorless Energy [N]
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Druddigon [R]
Duosion [R]
Emolga [R]
Energy Switch [R]
Gabite [R]
Gothorita [R]
Kirlia [R]
Minun [R]
Palpitoad [R]
Pignite [N]
Pignite [R]
Plusle [R]
Prinplup [R]
Riolu [R]
Sableye [R]
Servine [R]
Shuckle [N]
Shuckle [R]
Spiritomb [R]
Stunfisk [R]
Swadloon [R]
Swoobat [R]
Zweilous [R]
Legendary Treasures
- Common
Charmander [R]
Gible [R]
Magikarp [R]
Minccino [R]
Piplup [R]
Sewaddle (10) [R]
Sewaddle (9) [R]
Snivy [R]
Swablu [R]
Tepig [R]
Trubbish [R]
Vulpix [R]
Zorua [R]
Legendary Treasures: Radiant Collection
- Full Art
Meloetta EX
Mew EX
Shaymin EX
Legendary Treasures: Radiant Collection
- Ultra Rare
Meloetta EX
Legendary Treasures: Radiant Collection
- Uncommon
Cinccino [H]
Eevee [H]
Gardevoir [H]
Growlithe [H]
Pikachu [H]
Piplup [H]
Purrloin [H]
Serperior [H]
Legendary Treasures: Radiant Collection
- Common
Kirlia [H]
Minccino [H]
Ralts [H]
Torchic [H]
Ursaring [H]
Kalos Starter Set
- Common
Bidoof [N]
Chesnaught [N]
Chesnaught [H]
Chespin [H]
Delphox [N]
Delphox [H]
Farfetch'd [N]
Furfrou (32) [N]
Furfrou (33) [N]
Greninja [N]
Greninja [H]
Mightyena [N]
Miltank [N]
Panpour [N]
Quilladin [H]
Skitty [N]
Snorlax [N]
XY Promos
- Promo
Absol - XY178 [H]
Absol EX - XY62 [H]
Aegislash - 86/146 (Prerelease) [H]
Aegislash - 86/146 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Aerodactyl EX - XY97 [H]
Altaria - XY46 (Prerelease) [H]
Altaria - XY46 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Arcanine BREAK - XY180 [H]
Arceus - XY116 [H]
Arceus - XY197 [H]
Arceus - XY83 [H]
Ash-Greninja EX - XY133 [H]
Aurorus EX - XY102 [H]
Azelf - XY142 [H]
Beedrill EX - XY157 [H]
Beheeyem BREAK - XY135 [H]
Black Kyurem - XY80 [H]
Blastoise EX - XY122 [H]
Blastoise EX - XY30 [H]
Blaziken EX - XY54 [H]
Blissey - XY56 [H]
Bronzong - XY21 (Prerelease) [H]
Bronzong - XY21 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Celebi - XY111 [H]
Celebi - XY187 [H]
Celebi - XY93 [H]
Champions Festival - XY27 (2014 Quarter Finalist) [H]
Champions Festival - XY27 (2014 Staff) [H]
Champions Festival - XY27 (2014 Top Sixteen) [H]
Champions Festival - XY27 (2014 Top Thirty-Two) [H]
Champions Festival - XY27 (2014) [H]
Champions Festival (2015 Champion) [N]
Champions Festival (2015 Top Sixteen) [N]
Champions Festival (2015 Top Thirty-Two) [N]
Champions Festival (2015) [N]
Champions Festival (2015) [Staff] [N]
Champions Festival (2016 Top Sixteen) [N]
Champions Festival (2016 Top Thirty-Two) [N]
Champions Festival (2016) [N]
Champions Festival (2016) [Staff] [N]
Charizard - 11/108 (Prerelease) [H]
Charizard (XY Evolutions Prerelease) [H]
Charizard EX - 276/XY-P (JP Pokemon Card Game Art Collection) [H]
Charizard EX - XY121 [H]
Charizard EX - XY17 [H]
Charizard EX - XY29 [H]
Chesnaught - XY68 (Prerelease [Staff] [H]
Chesnaught (Prerelease) [H]
Chesnaught EX - XY18 [H]
Chespin - XY01 [H]
Clawitzer - XY146 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Clawitzer (XY Steam Siege Prerelease) [H]
Crobat BREAK [H]
Darkrai - XY114 [H]
Darkrai - XY22 [H]
Delphox EX - XY19 [H]
Diancie EX - XY43 [H]
Ditto [H]
Dragalge - XY10 (Prerelease) [H]
Dragalge - XY10 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Empoleon BREAK [H]
Fearow [H]
Fennekin [H]
Flygon EX [H]
Froakie - XY03 [H]
Gallade EX - XY45 [H]
Garchomp EX [H]
Garchomp EX - XY167 [H]
Garchomp Spirit Link [N]
Gastly [H]
Genesect [H]
Gogoat - XY16 [H]
Greninja - XY162 [H]
Greninja - XY24 [H]
Greninja EX - XY20 [H]
Groudon - XY52 [H]
Groudon EX [H]
Gyarados - 34/108 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Gyarados - XY109 [H]
Gyarados - XY60 (Prerelease) [H]
Gyarados - XY60 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Gyarados (XY Evolutions Prerelease) [H]
Gyarados EX [H]
Gym Badge (Blaine) [H]
Gym Badge (Brock) [H]
Gym Badge (Erika) [H]
Gym Badge (Giovanni) [H]
Gym Badge (Koga) [H]
Gym Badge (Lt. Surge) [H]
Gym Badge (Misty) [H]
Gym Badge (Sabrina) [H]
Ho-Oh [H]
Honedge - XY12 [H]
Hoopa - 155/XY-P [H]
Hoopa - XY147 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Hoopa (XY Steam Siege Prerelease) [H]
Hoopa EX [H]
Hoopa EX (Collection Promo) [H]
Jirachi - XY112 [H]
Jirachi - XY67 [H]
Keldeo - XY118 [H]
Kingdra - XY39 (Prerelease) [H]
Kingdra - XY39 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Krookodile EX - XY25 [H]
Kyogre - XY51 [H]
Kyogre EX [H]
Latios - XY65 [H]
Latios EX [H]
Lugia [H]
M Absol EX - XY63 [H]
M Aerodactyl EX [H]
M Beedrill EX [H]
M Blaziken EX [H]
M Camerupt EX - XY198 [H]
M Diancie EX - XY44 [H]
M Garchomp EX - XY168 [H]
M Gengar EX [H]
M Mawile EX [H]
M Metagross EX (Shiny) [H]
M Salamence EX - XY171 [H]
M Sharpedo EX - XY200 [H]
M Swampert EX [H]
Machamp - 59/108 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease) [H]
Machamp - XY13 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Machamp (XY Evolutions Prerelease) [H]
Machamp EX [H]
Magearna - XY186 [H]
Magikarp [H]
Malamar - XY58 [H]
Manaphy [H]
Mandibuzz BREAK [H]
Mawile EX [H]
Mawile Spirit Link [N]
Mega Tokyo's Pikachu - 98/XY-P [N]
Meloetta - XY120 [H]
Meowstic - XY48 [H]
Metagross EX (Shiny) [H]
Mew - XY110 [H]
Mew - XY192 [H]
Mew EX - XY126 [H]
Mewtwo - 51/108 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Mewtwo - XY100 [H]
Mewtwo - XY101 [H]
Mewtwo (XY Evolutions Prerelease) [H]
Mewtwo EX - XY107 [H]
Mewtwo EX - XY125 [H]
Mewtwo EX - XY183 [H]
Moltres - XY127 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Moltres (Prerelease) [H]
Noctowl BREAK [H]
Pikachu [H]
Pikachu (Collector Chest) [H]
Pikachu EX - XY124 [H]
Pikachu EX - XY174 [H]
Pikachu EX - XY84 [H]
Poncho-wearing Pikachu - 203/XY-P [H]
Poncho-wearing Pikachu - 207/XY-P [H]
Poncho-wearing Pikachu - 208/XY-P [H]
Poncho-wearing Pikachu - 230/XY-P [H]
Poncho-wearing Pikachu - 231/XY-P [H]
Pretend Gyarados Pikachu - 151/XY-P [H]
Pretend Magikarp Pikachu - 150/XY-P [H]
Rayquaza - 232/XY-P (JP Pokemon Center Skytree Town Opening) [H]
Rayquaza - XY141 [H]
Rayquaza - XY64 [H]
Rayquaza EX - XY66 [H]
Rayquaza EX (Shiny) [H]
Rayquaza EX (XY73) [H]
Regirock - XY49 [H]
Sableye - XY92 [H]
Salamence - XY59 [H]
Salamence EX - XY170 [H]
Salamence Spirit Link [N]
Sceptile EX - XY53 [H]
Sharpedo Spirit Link [N]
Shaymin - XY115 [H]
Shaymin EX [H]
Snorlax - XY179 [H]
Swampert EX - XY55 [H]
Sylveon - XY04 [H]
Trevenant - XY94 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Trevenant (Prerelease) [H]
Trevor - XY33 [H]
Tyranitar - XY130 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Tyranitar (Prerelease) [H]
Tyrantrum EX [H]
Umbreon [H]
Venusaur EX - XY123 [H]
Venusaur EX - XY28 [H]
Venusaur EX (Mythical Collection) [H]
Victini - XY117 [H]
Volcanion - XY145 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Volcanion - XY185 [H]
Volcanion (XY Steam Siege Prerelease) [H]
Volcanion EX [H]
White Kyurem - XY128 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
White Kyurem (Prerelease) [H]
Wobbuffet BREAK [H]
Xerneas - XY05 [H]
Xerneas EX - XY07 [H]
Xerneas EX - XY149 (Shiny) [H]
Yanmega - XY144 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Yanmega (XY Steam Siege Prerelease) [H]
Yveltal - XY06 [N]
Yveltal - XY06 [H]
Yveltal EX - XY08 [H]
Yveltal EX - XY150 (Shiny) [H]
Zygarde - XY129 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Zygarde (Prerelease) [H]
Zygarde EX (Shiny) [H]
XY Promos
- Full Art
Dialga (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Latias (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Latios (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Palkia (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Regigigas (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Reshiram (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
White Kyurem (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
Zekrom (Full Art Promo) [H] (Promo)
XY Base Set
- Code Card
Code Card - Kalos Starter Figure Box [Chespin Box] [N]
Code Card - Kalos Starter Figure Box [Froakie Box] [N]
Code Card - Legend of Kalos Tin [Xerneas EX] [N]
Code Card - Legend of Kalos Tin [Yveltal EX] [N]
Code Card - Xerneas Figure Collection [N]
Code Card - XY Base Set Theme Deck - "Resilient Life" [Xerneas] [N]
XY Base Set
- Full Art
Blastoise EX (142 Full Art)
Emolga EX (143 Full Art)
Skarmory EX (145 Full Art)
Venusaur EX (141 Full Art)
Xerneas EX (146 Full Art)
Yveltal EX (144 Full Art)
XY Base Set
- Ultra Rare
Blastoise EX
Emolga EX
M Blastoise EX
M Venusaur EX
Skarmory EX
Venusaur EX
Xerneas EX
Yveltal EX
XY Base Set
- Holo Rare
Aromatisse [R]
Chesnaught [R]
Delphox [R]
Gourgeist [H]
Gourgeist [R]
Greninja [H]
Greninja [R]
Lapras [H]
Lapras [R]
Trevenant [H]
Trevenant [R]
Vivillon (High Plains [Orange]) [R]
Vivillon (Meadow [Pink]) [R]
XY Base Set
- Uncommon
Braixen [R]
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Evosoda [R]
Illumise [R]
Muscle Band [N]
Muscle Band [R]
Professor's Letter [R]
Quilladin [R]
Rainbow Energy [R]
XY Base Set
- Common
Bidoof [R]
Chespin [R]
Darkness Energy (Basic) [N]
Jigglypuff (87) [R]
Jigglypuff (88) [R]
Metal Energy (Basic) [N]
Pikachu [R]
Psychic Energy [N]
Skitty [R]
Voltorb [R]
Water Energy [N]
XY Trainer Kit: Sylveon & Noivern
- Common
Eevee (13) [N]
Eevee (21) [N]
Furfrou (#20 - Noivern) [N]
Gourgeist [N]
Granbull (#29) [N]
Noibat (#23) [N]
Professor's Letter (Sylveon) [N]
Sylveon (#15 - Non-Holo) [N]
Sylveon (#30 - Holo) [H]
XY - Flashfire
- Code Card
Code Card - Charizard Ex Box [N]
Code Card - Flashfire Theme Deck - "Brilliant Thunder" [Heliolisk] [N]
Code Card - Flashfire Theme Deck - "Mystic Typhoon" [Meowstic] [N]
Code Card - Kalos Power Tin [Greninja] [N]
Code Card - Krookodile EX Box [N]
XY - Flashfire
- Secret Rare
M Charizard EX (X)
M Charizard EX (Y)
M Kangaskhan EX (109 Secret Rare)
XY - Flashfire
- Full Art
Charizard EX (100 Full Art)
Kangaskhan EX (103 Full Art)
Lysandre (104 Full Art)
Magnezone EX (101 Full Art)
Pokemon Center Lady (105 Full Art)
Pokemon Fan Club (106 Full Art)
Toxicroak EX (102 Full Art)
XY - Flashfire
- Ultra Rare
Charizard EX (11)
Charizard EX (12)
Kangaskhan EX
M Charizard EX (X)
M Charizard EX (Y)
M Kangaskhan EX
Magnezone EX
Toxicroak EX
XY - Flashfire
- Holo Rare
Milotic [R]
XY - Flashfire
- Rare
Snorlax [R]
XY - Flashfire
- Uncommon
Blacksmith [N]
Blacksmith [R]
Luxio [R]
Lysandre [R]
Pal Pad [R]
Pidgeotto [R]
Protection Cube [R]
Rapidash [R]
Sacred Ash [R]
Trick Shovel [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
McDonald's Promos 2014
- Promo
Bunnelby - 10/12 [H]
Chespin - 2/12 [H]
Fennekin - 3/12 [H]
Fletchling - 11/12 [H]
Froakie - 4/12 [H]
Furfrou - 12/12 [H]
Honedge - 7/12 [H]
Inkay - 6/12 [H]
Pikachu - 5/12 [H]
Snubbull - 8/12 [H]
Swirlix - 9/12 [H]
Weedle - 1/12 [H]
XY - Furious Fists
- Code Card
Code Card - Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs Yveltal [N]
Code Card - EX Power Trio Tin [Blastoise EX] [N]
Code Card - Furious Fists Single Pack Blister [Zoroark] [N]
Code Card - Furious Fists Theme Deck - "Enchanted Echo" [Sylveon] [N]
XY - Furious Fists
- Secret Rare
M Heracross EX
M Lucario EX
XY - Furious Fists
- Full Art
Battle Reporter (109 Full Art)
Dragonite EX (108 Full Art)
Fossil Researcher (110 Full Art)
Heracross EX (105 Full Art)
Korrina (111 Full Art)
Lucario EX (107 Full Art)
Seismitoad EX (106 Full Art)
XY - Furious Fists
- Ultra Rare
Dragonite EX
Hawlucha EX
Heracross EX
Lucario EX
M Heracross EX
M Lucario EX
Seismitoad EX
XY - Furious Fists
- Rare
Aurorus [N]
Aurorus [R]
Glaceon [N]
Glaceon [R]
Leafeon [N]
Leafeon [R]
Sylveon [N]
Sylveon [R]
Tyrantrum [N]
Tyrantrum [R]
XY - Furious Fists
- Uncommon
Amaura [R]
Focus Sash [R]
Herbal Energy [N]
Herbal Energy [R]
Hitmonlee [R]
Hitmontop [R]
Korrina [N]
Korrina [R]
Machoke [R]
Poliwhirl [R]
Raichu [N]
Raichu [R]
Strong Energy [R]
Tyrunt [R]
XY - Furious Fists
- Common
Clefairy (70) [R]
Eevee [R]
Minun [R]
Pikachu [N]
Pikachu [R]
XY - Phantom Forces
- Code Card
Code Card - Gallade EX Box [N]
Code Card - Mega Diancie EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Metagross EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Phantom Forces Theme Deck - "Bolt Twister" [Galvantula] [N]
XY - Phantom Forces
- Secret Rare
Dialga EX (122 Secret Rare)
M Gengar EX (121 Secret Rare)
M Manectric EX (120 Secret Rare)
XY - Phantom Forces
- Full Art
AZ (117 Full Art)
Florges EX (116 Full Art)
Gengar EX (114 Full Art)
Lysandre's Trump Card (118 Full Art)
Malamar EX (115 Full Art)
Manectric EX (113 Full Art)
Xerosic (119 Full Art)
XY - Phantom Forces
- Ultra Rare
Aegislash EX
Dialga EX
Florges EX
Gengar EX
M Gengar EX
M Manectric EX
Malamar EX
Manectric EX
XY - Phantom Forces
- Holo Rare
Head Ringer [R]
XY - Phantom Forces
- Rare
Bronzong [N]
Bronzong [R]
XY - Phantom Forces
- Uncommon
Battle Compressor [N]
Battle Compressor [R]
Croconaw [R]
Dimension Valley [N]
Dimension Valley [R]
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Kingler [R]
Lampent [R]
Lysandre's Trump Card [R]
Mystery Energy [N]
Mystery Energy [R]
Robo Substitute [R]
VS Seeker [N]
VS Seeker [R]
Wobbuffet [R]
XY - Phantom Forces
- Common
Joltik [R]
Pumpkaboo [R]
XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff
- Common
Bidoof [N]
Bisharp (#16 Non-Holo) [N]
Bisharp (#30 Holo) [H]
Clefable (#16) [N]
Clefable (#28) [N]
Clefairy (#13) [N]
Clefairy (#19) [N]
Doublade (#14) [N]
Doublade (#23) [N]
Fairy Energy (#17) [N]
Fairy Energy (#21) [N]
Fairy Energy (#22) [N]
Fairy Energy (#27) [N]
Fairy Energy (#3) [N]
Fairy Energy (#5) [N]
Fairy Energy (#6) [N]
Fairy Energy (#7) [N]
Fairy Energy (#8) [N]
Fairy Energy (#9) [N]
Fletchling [N]
Honedge (#11) [N]
Honedge (#27) [N]
Jigglypuff (#12) [N]
Jigglypuff (#25) [N]
Metal Energy (#10) [N]
Metal Energy (#18) [N]
Metal Energy (#2) [N]
Metal Energy (#22) [N]
Metal Energy (#24) [N]
Metal Energy (#3) [N]
Metal Energy (#6) [N]
Metal Energy (#7) [N]
Metal Energy (#8) [N]
Patrat [N]
Pidgeotto (#2) [N]
Pidgeotto (#23) [N]
Pidgey (#11) [N]
Pidgey (#29) [N]
Potion (#25 - Bisharp) [N]
Potion (#29 - Bisharp) [N]
Sentret [N]
Slakoth (#26) [N]
Swirlix (#1) [N]
Swirlix (#18) [N]
Trevor (Bisharp) [N]
Trevor (Wigglytuff) [N]
Vigoroth (#28) [N]
Vigoroth (#4) [N]
Wigglytuff (#14 Non-Holo) [N]
Wigglytuff (#30 Holo) [H]
XY - Primal Clash
- Code Card
Code Card - Elite Trainer Box [Groudon] [N]
Code Card - Elite Trainer Box [Kyogre] [N]
Code Card - Legend of Hoenn Tin [Kyogre EX] [N]
Code Card - Primal Clash Theme Deck - "Ocean's Core" [Kyogre] [N]
Code Card - Primal Kyogre Collection [N]
XY - Primal Clash
- Secret Rare
Dive Ball (161 Secret Rare)
Enhanced Hammer (162 Secret Rare)
Switch (163 Secret Rare)
Weakness Policy (164 Secret Rare)
XY - Primal Clash
- Full Art
Aggron EX (153 Full Art)
Archie's Ace in the Hole (157 Full Art)
Camerupt EX (146 Full Art)
Gardevoir EX (155 Full Art)
Groudon EX (150 Full Art)
Kyogre EX (148 Full Art)
M Aggron EX (154 Full Art)
M Gardevoir EX (156 Full Art)
Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick (158 Full Art)
Primal Groudon EX (Omega - 151 Full Art)
Primal Kyogre EX (Alpha - 149 Full Art)
Professor Birch's Observations (159 Full Art)
Sharpedo EX (152 Full Art)
Teammates (160 Full Art)
Trevenant EX (145 Full Art)
Wailord EX (147 Full Art)
XY - Primal Clash
- Ultra Rare
Aggron EX
Camerupt EX
Gardevoir EX
Groudon EX
Kyogre EX
M Aggron EX
M Gardevoir EX
Primal Groudon EX (Omega)
Primal Kyogre EX (Alpha)
Sharpedo EX
Trevenant EX
Wailord EX
XY - Primal Clash
- Holo Rare
Azumarill (Alpha) [H]
Azumarill (Alpha) [R]
Kingdra (Alpha) [H]
Kingdra (Alpha) [R]
Rhyperior (Omega) [R]
Sceptile (Omega) [H]
Sceptile (Omega) [R]
Swampert (Alpha) [H]
Swampert (Alpha) [R]
XY - Primal Clash
- Rare
Nidoqueen (Omega) [R]
XY - Primal Clash
- Uncommon
Bidoof (Alpha) [R]
Bunnelby (Omega) [R]
Dive Ball [N]
Dive Ball [R]
Electrike (Omega) [R]
Escape Rope [R]
Nidoqueen [R]
Rare Candy [R]
Rough Seas [R]
Shield Energy [R]
Silent Lab [N]
Silent Lab [R]
Teammates [N]
Teammates [R]
Tentacool (Alpha) [R]
Torchic (Omega) [R]
XY - Primal Clash
- Common
Hippopotas [R]
Double Crisis
- Ultra Rare
Team Aqua's Kyogre EX
Team Magma's Groudon EX
Double Crisis
- Holo Rare
Team Aqua's Muk [R]
Team Aqua's Sharpedo [R]
Team Aqua's Walrein [R]
Team Magma's Aggron [R]
Double Crisis
- Uncommon
Aqua Diffuser [R]
Double Aqua Energy [R]
Double Magma Energy [R]
Team Aqua Admin [R]
Team Aqua Grunt [R]
Team Aqua's Great Ball [N]
Team Aqua's Great Ball [R]
Team Aqua's Secret Base [R]
Team Magma Admin [R]
Team Magma Grunt [R]
Team Magma's Great Ball [N]
Team Magma's Great Ball [R]
Team Magma's Secret Base [N]
Team Magma's Secret Base [R]
Double Crisis
- Common
Team Aqua's Carvanha [R]
Team Aqua's Grimer [N]
Team Aqua's Grimer [R]
Team Aqua's Mightyena [N]
Team Aqua's Mightyena [R]
Team Aqua's Poochyena [R]
Team Aqua's Sealeo [R]
Team Aqua's Seviper [R]
Team Aqua's Spheal [N]
Team Aqua's Spheal [R]
Team Magma's Aron [N]
Team Magma's Aron [R]
Team Magma's Baltoy [R]
Team Magma's Lairon [R]
Team Magma's Mightyena [N]
Team Magma's Mightyena [R]
Team Magma's Numel [R]
Team Magma's Poochyena [R]
Team Magma's Zangoose [R]
XY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios
- Common
Latias (#30 Holo) [H]
Rhydon (#25) [N]
Skitty (#1) [H]
XY - Roaring Skies
- Code Card
Code Card - Hoenn Power Tin [Blaziken] [N]
Code Card - Hoenn Power Tin [Sceptile] [N]
Code Card - Mega Latios Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Rayquaza Collection [N]
Code Card - Roaring Skies Theme Deck - "Aurora Blast" [Articuno] [N]
Code Card - XY Roaring Skies Elite Trainer Box [N]
XY - Roaring Skies
- Secret Rare
Energy Switch
VS Seeker
XY - Roaring Skies
- Full Art
Gallade EX (99 Full Art)
Hydreigon EX (103 Full Art)
Latios EX (101 Full Art)
M Gallade EX (100 Full Art)
M Latios EX (102 Full Art)
M Rayquaza EX (105 Full Art)
Rayquaza EX (104 Full Art)
Shaymin EX (106 Full Art)
Thundurus EX (98 Full Art)
Wally (107 Full Art)
Winona (108 Full Art)
XY - Roaring Skies
- Ultra Rare
Gallade EX
Hydreigon EX
Latios EX
M Gallade EX
M Latios EX
M Rayquaza EX (61)
M Rayquaza EX (76)
Rayquaza EX (60)
Rayquaza EX (75)
Shaymin EX
Thundurus EX
XY - Roaring Skies
- Holo Rare
Dragonite (52 Delta) [H]
Dragonite (52 Delta) [R]
Togekiss (46 Delta) [R]
XY - Roaring Skies
- Rare
Articuno (16) [R]
Articuno (17 Delta) [R]
Dragonite (51) [R]
XY - Roaring Skies
- Uncommon
Double Dragon Energy [N]
Double Dragon Energy [R]
Dragonair [R]
Sky Field [R]
Trainers' Mail [N]
Trainers' Mail [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
XY - Roaring Skies
- Common
Pikachu [R]
XY - Ancient Origins
- Code Card
Code Card - Ancient Origins Elite Trainer Box [N]
Code Card - Ancient Origins Theme Deck - "Iron Tide" [Metagross] [N]
Code Card - Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo EX vs Darkrai EX [N]
Code Card - Powers Beyond Tin [Hoopa EX] [N]
Code Card - Powers Beyond Tin [Latios EX] [N]
Code Card - Powers Beyond Tin [Rayquaza EX] [N]
Code Card - Shiny Rayquaza EX Box [N]
Code Card - Tyrantrum EX Box [N]
XY - Ancient Origins
- Secret Rare
Energy Retrieval
Trainers' Mail
XY - Ancient Origins
- Full Art
Ampharos EX (87 Full Art)
Giratina EX (93 Full Art)
Hoopa EX (89 Full Art)
Kyurem EX (86 Full Art)
Lugia EX (94 Full Art)
M Ampharos EX (88 Full Art)
M Rayquaza EX (Shiny Full Art)
M Sceptile EX (85 Full Art)
M Tyranitar EX (92 Full Art)
Machamp EX (90 Full Art)
Primal Groudon EX (Shiny Full Art)
Primal Kyogre EX (Shiny Full Art)
Sceptile EX (84 Full Art)
Tyranitar EX (91 Full Art)
XY - Ancient Origins
- Ultra Rare
Ampharos EX
Giratina EX
Hoopa EX
Kyurem EX
Lugia EX
M Ampharos EX
M Sceptile EX
M Tyranitar EX
Machamp EX
Sceptile EX
Tyranitar EX
XY - Ancient Origins
- Holo Rare
Entei (15) [H]
Entei (15) [R]
Gardevoir [R]
Gyarados (21) [H]
Gyarados (21) [R]
Jolteon [H]
Jolteon [R]
XY - Ancient Origins
- Rare
Metagross (50) [R]
XY - Ancient Origins
- Uncommon
Flareon [R]
Hex Maniac [N]
Hex Maniac [R]
Level Ball [R]
Vaporeon [R]
XY - Ancient Origins
- Common
Eevee [R]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Rare BREAK
Florges BREAK [H]
Marowak BREAK [H]
Noivern BREAK [H]
Raichu BREAK [H]
Zoroark BREAK [H]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Code Card
Code Card - Aurorus EX Box [N]
Code Card - Break Evolution Box [Empoleon] [N]
Code Card - BREAKthrough Theme Deck - "Burning Spark" [Raichu] [N]
Code Card - Elite Trainer Box [Mewtwo X] [N]
Code Card - Elite Trainer Box [Mewtwo Y] [N]
Code Card - Hoopa EX Legendary Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Aerodactyl EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Blaziken EX Premium CollectionMega Aerodactyl EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Mewtwo Collection [Mega Mewtwo X] [N]
Code Card - Mega Mewtwo Collection [Mega Mewtwo Y] [N]
Code Card - Mega Swampert EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Pikachu EX Legendary Collection [N]
Code Card - XY BREAKthrough Collector Chest [N]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Full Art
Giovanni's Scheme
Glalie EX
Houndoom EX
M Glalie EX
M Houndoom EX
M Mewtwo EX (159 Full Art)
M Mewtwo EX (160 Full Art)
Mewtwo EX (157 Full Art)
Mewtwo EX (158 Full Art)
Mewtwo EX (163 Secret Full Art) (Secret Rare)
Mewtwo EX (164 Secret Full Art) (Secret Rare)
XY - BREAKthrough
- Ultra Rare
Chesnaught BREAK
Glalie EX
Houndoom EX
M Glalie EX
M Houndoom EX
M Mewtwo EX (63)
M Mewtwo EX (64)
Mewtwo EX (61)
Mewtwo EX (62)
XY - BREAKthrough
- Holo Rare
Chesnaught [R]
Gengar [H]
Gengar [R]
Haxorus [R]
Octillery [H]
Octillery [R]
Raikou [H]
Raikou [R]
Typhlosion [H]
Typhlosion [R]
Zoroark [R]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Rare
Raichu [R]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Uncommon
Brigette [N]
Brigette [R]
Burning Energy [N]
Burning Energy [R]
Float Stone [N]
Float Stone [R]
Heavy Ball [R]
Judge [R]
Mewtwo Spirit Link [R]
Parallel City [N]
Parallel City [R]
Professor's Letter [R]
Snorlax [N]
Snorlax [R]
Super Rod [N]
Super Rod [R]
Town Map [N]
Town Map [R]
XY - BREAKthrough
- Common
Cyndaquil [R]
Pikachu [R]
Piplup [R]
McDonald's Promos 2015
- Promo
Electrike - 7/12 [H]
Marill - 10/12 [H]
Meditite - 9/12 [H]
Mudkip - 5/12 [H]
Pikachu - 6/12 [H]
Skitty - 12/12 [H]
Staryu - 4/12 [H]
Torchic - 3/12 [H]
Torchic - 3/12 [N]
Treecko - 1/12 [H]
Zigzagoon - 11/12 [H]
XY - BREAKpoint
- Rare BREAK
Golduck BREAK [H]
Greninja BREAK [H]
Luxray BREAK [H]
Raticate BREAK [H]
Trevenant BREAK [H]
XY - BREAKpoint
- Code Card
Code Card - BREAKpoint Theme Deck - "Electric Eye" [Luxray] [N]
Code Card - Shiny Mega Gyarados Collection [N]
Code Card - Triple Power Tin [Shiny Gyarados EX] [N]
Code Card - XY BREAKpoint Elite Trainer Box [N]
XY - BREAKpoint
- Secret Rare
Gyarados EX
XY - BREAKpoint
- Full Art
Darkrai EX
Espeon EX
Gyarados EX
Ho-Oh EX
M Gyarados EX
M Scizor EX
Manaphy EX
Scizor EX
XY - BREAKpoint
- Ultra Rare
Darkrai EX
Emboar EX
Espeon EX
Gyarados EX
Ho-Oh EX
M Gyarados EX
M Scizor EX
Manaphy EX
Palkia EX
Scizor EX
Togekiss EX
XY - BREAKpoint
- Holo Rare
Suicune [R]
XY - BREAKpoint
- Uncommon
All-Night Party [R]
Arcanine [R]
Fighting Fury Belt [N]
Fighting Fury Belt [R]
Max Elixir [N]
Max Elixir [R]
Splash Energy [N]
Splash Energy [R]
XY - BREAKpoint
- Common
Slowpoke [R]
Generations: Radiant Collection
- Full Art
Flareon EX
Gardevoir EX
M Gardevoir EX
Sylveon EX
Generations: Radiant Collection
- Ultra Rare
Flareon EX
Sylveon EX
Generations: Radiant Collection
- Uncommon
Altaria [H]
Charizard [H]
Dedenne [H]
Diancie [H]
Froslass [H]
Jirachi [H]
Meowstic [H]
Swirlix [H]
Wally [H]
Generations: Radiant Collection
- Common
Charmander [N]
Charmeleon [N]
Chikorita [N]
Espurr [N]
Gulpin [N]
Raichu [N]
Snorunt [N]
Wobbuffet [N]
- Code Card
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Arceus] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Darkrai] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Genesect] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Jirachi] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Manaphy] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Mew] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Shaymin] [N]
Code Card - Mythical Pokemon Collection Box [Victini] [N]
Code Card - Red & Blue Collection [Blastoise EX] [N]
Code Card - Red & Blue Collection [Charizard EX] [N]
Code Card - Red & Blue Collection [Pikachu EX] [N]
Code Card - Red & Blue Collection [Venusaur EX] [N]
Code Card - Super-Premium Collection [Mew & Mewtwo] [N]
- Ultra Rare
Blastoise EX
Charizard EX
Golem EX
Jolteon EX
Leafeon EX
M Blastoise EX
M Charizard EX
M Venusaur EX
Meowstic EX
Ninetales EX
Vaporeon EX
Venusaur EX
- Holo Rare
Articuno [H]
Butterfree [R]
Gengar [H]
Gengar [R]
Machamp [R]
Zapdos [H]
- Rare
Gyarados [R]
Snorlax [R]
- Uncommon
Crushing Hammer [R]
Evosoda [N]
Evosoda [R]
Haunter [R]
Imakuni? [R]
Revitalizer [N]
Revitalizer [R]
- Common
Clefairy [R]
Darkness Energy [R]
Fairy Energy [R]
Fighting Energy [R]
Fire Energy [R]
Gastly [R]
Grass Energy [R]
Lightning Energy [R]
Magikarp [R]
Magmar [R]
Metal Energy [R]
Pikachu [R]
Psychic Energy [R]
Water Energy [R]
XY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune
- Common
Eevee [N]
Pikachu Libre (14 - Non-Holo) [N]
Pikachu Libre (30 - Holo) [H]
Suicune (30 - Holo) [H]
XY - Fates Collide
- Code Card
Code Card - Ash-Greninja EX Box [N]
Code Card - BREAK Evolution Box [Ho-oh and Lugia] [N]
Code Card - Fates Collide Elite Trainer Box [N]
Code Card - Fates Collide Theme Deck - "Battle Ruler" [Zygarde] [N]
Code Card - Fates Collide Theme Deck - "Sky Guardian" [Lugia] [N]
Code Card - Mega Mawile EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Shiny Kalos Tin [Xerneas EX] [N]
XY - Fates Collide
- Rare BREAK
Bronzong BREAK [H]
Delphox BREAK [H]
Lugia BREAK [H]
Omastar BREAK [H]
XY - Fates Collide
- Secret Rare
Alakazam EX
XY - Fates Collide
- Full Art
Alakazam EX
Altaria EX
Genesect EX
Glaceon EX
Kingdra EX
M Alakazam EX
M Altaria EX
Team Rocket's Handiwork
Umbreon EX
XY - Fates Collide
- Ultra Rare
Alakazam EX
Altaria EX
Audino EX
Diancie EX
Genesect EX
Glaceon EX
Kingdra EX
M Alakazam EX
M Altaria EX
M Audino EX
Regirock EX
Umbreon EX
Zygarde EX
XY - Fates Collide
- Holo Rare
Mew [H]
Mew [R]
XY - Fates Collide
- Rare
Lugia [R]
Moltres [R]
Snorlax [R]
XY - Fates Collide
- Uncommon
Double Colorless Energy [R]
N (Supporter) [N]
N (Supporter) [R]
Strong Energy [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
XY - Steam Siege
- Code Card
Code Card - Battle Arena Deck: Keldeo EX vs Rayquaza EX [N]
Code Card - Legendary Battle Decks [Articuno] [N]
Code Card - Legendary Battle Decks [Zapdos] [N]
Code Card - Steam Siege Theme Deck - "Gears of Fire" [Volcanion] [N]
Code Card - Steam Siege Theme Deck - "Ring of Lightning" [Hoopa] [N]
XY - Steam Siege
- Rare BREAK
Clawitzer BREAK [H]
Hydreigon BREAK [H]
Pyroar BREAK [H]
Talonflame BREAK [H]
Xerneas BREAK [H]
Yanmega BREAK [H]
Yveltal BREAK [H]
XY - Steam Siege
- Secret Rare
Gardevoir EX
Volcanion EX
XY - Steam Siege
- Full Art
Gardevoir EX
M Gardevoir EX
M Steelix EX
Magearna EX
Pokemon Ranger
Steelix EX
Volcanion EX
XY - Steam Siege
- Ultra Rare
Gardevoir EX
M Gardevoir EX
M Steelix EX
Professor Sycamore
Volcanion EX
XY - Steam Siege
- Uncommon
Azumarill [R]
Special Charge [R]
McDonald's Promos 2016
- Promo
Dedenne - 10/12 [H]
Eevee - 12/12 [H]
Fennekin - 3/12 [H]
Jigglypuff - 8/12 [H]
Magikarp - 4/12 [H]
Meowth - 11/12 [H]
Pikachu - 6/12 [H]
Scraggy - 7/12 [H]
Togepi - 9/12 [H]
Torchic - 2/12 [H]
Totodile - 5/12 [H]
Vulpix - 1/12 [H]
XY - Evolutions
- Rare BREAK
Machamp BREAK [H]
Nidoking BREAK [H]
Ninetales BREAK [H]
Starmie BREAK [H]
XY - Evolutions
- Code Card
Code Card - Alola Collection [Lunala] [N]
Code Card - Alola Collection [Solgaleo] [N]
Code Card - Autumn 2016 Collector Chest [N]
Code Card - Charizard EX Box [N]
Code Card - Dragonite EX Box [N]
Code Card - Evolutions Theme Deck - "Mewtwo Mayhem" [Mewtwo] [N]
Code Card - Gengar EX Box [N]
Code Card - Mega Beedrill EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Garchomp EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mega Salamence EX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Mewtwo EX Box [N]
Code Card - Mythical Collection [Volcanion] [N]
Code Card - XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box [Mega Blastoise] [N]
Code Card - XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box [Mega Charizard Y] [N]
XY - Evolutions
- Secret Rare
Flying Pikachu [N]
Surfing Pikachu [N]
XY - Evolutions
- Full Art
Brock's Grit
Dragonite EX
M Blastoise EX
M Charizard EX
M Pidgeot EX
M Venusaur EX
Mewtwo EX
Misty's Determination
Pidgeot EX
XY - Evolutions
- Ultra Rare
Blastoise EX
Charizard EX
Dragonite EX
M Blastoise EX
M Charizard EX
M Pidgeot EX
M Slowbro EX
M Venusaur EX
Mewtwo EX
Pidgeot EX
Slowbro EX
Venusaur EX
XY - Evolutions
- Holo Rare
Chansey [R]
Charizard [H]
Charizard [R]
Gyarados [H]
Gyarados [R]
Machamp [H]
Machamp [R]
Mew [H]
Mew [R]
Nidoking [H]
Nidoking [R]
Ninetales [H]
Ninetales [R]
Poliwrath [H]
Poliwrath [R]
Raichu [H]
Raichu [R]
Zapdos [H]
Zapdos [R]
XY - Evolutions
- Rare
Arcanine [R]
Mewtwo [R]
XY - Evolutions
- Uncommon
Charizard Spirit Link [R]
Charmeleon [R]
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Energy Retrieval [R]
XY - Evolutions
- Common
Charmander [R]
Darkness Energy [N]
Darkness Energy [R]
Fairy Energy [R]
Fighting Energy [R]
Fire Energy [R]
Grass Energy [R]
Lightning Energy [R]
Metal Energy [R]
Pikachu [R]
Psychic Energy [R]
Water Energy [R]
SM Promos
- Promo
Alolan Meowth - SM51 [H]
Alolan Meowth - SM51 [N]
Alolan Ninetales - SM128 [H]
Alolan Ninetales - SM128 [N]
Alolan Raichu - SM72 (Prerelease) [H]
Alolan Raichu - SM72 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Alolan Sandslash - SM127 [H]
Alolan Sandslash - SM18 (Prerelease) [H]
Alolan Sandslash - SM18 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Articuno - SM144 [H]
Ash's Pikachu - SM108 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM109 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM110 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM111 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM112 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM113 [N]
Ash's Pikachu - SM114 [N]
Bewear - SM49 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Bruxish - SM11 (Prerelease) [H]
Bruxish - SM11 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Buzzwole GX - SM69 [H]
Celesteela - SM131 (Prerelease) [H]
Celesteela - SM131 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Celesteela GX - SM67 [H]
Champions Festival - SM148 (World Championships 2018) [N]
Champions Festival - SM148 (World Championships 2018) [Staff] [N]
Champions Festival - SM78 (World Championships 2017) [N]
Champions Festival - SM78 (World Championships 2017) [Champion] [N]
Champions Festival - SM78 (World Championships 2017) [Staff] [N]
Champions Festival - SM78 (World Championships 2017) [Top Sixteen] [N]
Champions Festival - SM78 (World Championships 2017) [Top Thirty-Two] [N]
Charizard GX - SM60 [H]
Crabominable - SM47 (Prerelease) [H]
Crabominable - SM47 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Dawn Wings Necrozma - SM123 [H]
Dawn Wings Necrozma GX - SM101 [H]
Decidueye GX - SM37 [H]
Delcatty - SM132 (Prerelease) [H]
Delcatty - SM132 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Dragonite GX - SM156 [H]
Drampa - SM21 (Prerelease) [H]
Drampa - SM21 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Dusk Mane Necrozma - SM124 [H]
Dusk Mane Necrozma GX - SM102 [H]
Eevee GX - SM174 [H]
Eevee GX - SM175 [H]
Eevee GX - SM176 [H]
Espeon GX - SM35 [H]
Flareon GX - SM171 [H]
Giratina - SM151 (Prerelease) [H]
Giratina - SM151 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Glaceon GX - SM147 [H]
Golisopod GX - SM62 [H]
Gumshoos - SM97 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Heatran - SM96 (Prerelease) [H]
Heatran - SM96 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Ho-Oh GX - SM57 [H]
Ho-Oh GX - SM80 [H]
Incineroar GX - SM38 [H]
Jolteon GX - SM173 [H]
Kingdra GX - SM155 [H]
Kommo-o GX - SM71 [H]
Kyogre - SM129 (Prerelease) [H]
Kyogre - SM129 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Kyurem - SM142 [H]
Latias - SM135 [H]
Latias - SM87 [H]
Leafeon GX - SM146 [H]
Lucario - SM95 (Prerelease) [H]
Lucario - SM95 (Prerelease) [N]
Lucario - SM95 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Lucario - SM95 (Prerelease) [Staff] [N]
Lucario GX - SM100 [H]
Lunala GX - SM103 [H]
Lunala GX - SM17 [H]
Lycanroc - SM118 (Prerelease) [H]
Lycanroc - SM118 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Magikarp & Wailord GX [H]
Malamar - SM117 (Prerelease) [H]
Malamar - SM117 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Manectric - SM130 (Prerelease) [H]
Manectric - SM130 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Marshadow - SM85 [H]
Marshadow GX - SM59 [H]
Mewtwo - SM77 [H]
Mimikyu - SM99 [H]
Moltres - SM143 [H]
Mudsdale - SM20 (Prerelease) [H]
Mudsdale - SM20 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Naganadel GX - SM125 [H]
Oranguru - SM13 (Prerelease) [H]
Oranguru - SM13 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Oricorio - SM19 (Prerelease) [H]
Oricorio - SM19 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Passimian - SM12 (Prerelease) [H]
Passimian - SM12 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Pheromosa - SM115 (Prerelease) [H]
Pheromosa - SM115 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Pheromosa GX - SM66 [H]
Pikachu - SM04 [H]
Pikachu - SM04 (Target Non-Holo) [N]
Pikachu - SM157 [H]
Pikachu - SM76 [H]
Pikachu - SM81 [H]
Pikachu - SM86 [H]
Pikachu - SM98 [H]
Primarina GX - SM39 [H]
Raichu GX - SM90 [H]
Raikou - SM150 (Prerelease) [H]
Raikou - SM150 (Prerelease) (Staff) [H]
Raikou GX [H]
Regirock - SM74 (Prerelease) [H]
Regirock - SM74 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Registeel - SM75 (Prerelease) [H]
Registeel - SM75 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Reshiram GX - SM137 [H]
Rockruff - SM120 [H]
Salamence - SM140 [H]
Salamence GX - SM139 [H]
Salazzle - SM73 (Prerelease) [H]
Salazzle - SM73 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Salazzle GX - SM63 [H]
Seviper - SM46 (Prerelease) [H]
Shiinotic - SM10 (Prerelease) [H]
Shiinotic - SM10 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Shining Celebi - SM79 [H]
Shining Ho-Oh - SM70 [H]
Shining Lugia - SM82 [H]
Silvally GX - SM91 [H]
Snorlax GX - SM05 [H]
Solgaleo GX - SM104 [H]
Solgaleo GX - SM16 [H]
Suicune - SM149 (Prerelease) [H]
Suicune - SM149 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Tapu Koko GX - SM50 [H]
Tapu Lele - SM152 (Prerelease) [H]
Tapu Lele - SM152 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Tapu Lele - SM45 [H]
Thundurus GX - SM133 [H]
Togedemaru - SM44 [H]
Tornadus GX - SM134 [H]
Tsareena GX - SM56 [H]
Ultra Necrozma GX - SM126 [H]
Umbreon GX - SM36 [H]
Vaporeon GX - SM172 [H]
Wash Rotom - SM94 (Prerelease) [H]
Wash Rotom - SM94 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
White Kyurem GX - SM141 [H]
Xurkitree - SM116 (Prerelease) [H]
Xurkitree - SM116 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Xurkitree GX - SM68 [H]
Zapdos - SM145 [H]
Zekrom GX - SM138 [H]
Zoroark GX - SM84 [H]
Zygarde - SM48 (Prerelease) [H]
Zygarde - SM48 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Zygarde GX - SM122 [H]
SM Promos
- Rare
Bewear - SM49 (Prerelease) [H]
SM Promos
- Uncommon
Seviper - SM46 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
SM Base Set
- Code Card
Code Card - Mega Sharpedo EX Premium Collection [N]
SM Base Set
- Secret Rare
Espeon GX
Gumshoos GX
Lapras GX
Lunala GX
Lurantis GX
Metal Energy
Nest Ball
Psychic Energy
Rotom Dex
Solgaleo GX
Tauros GX
Ultra Ball
Umbreon GX
SM Base Set
- Full Art
Espeon GX
Gumshoos GX
Lapras GX
Lunala GX
Lurantis GX
Professor Kukui
Solgaleo GX
Tauros GX
Team Skull Grunt
Umbreon GX
SM Base Set
- Ultra Rare
Decidueye GX
Espeon GX
Incineroar GX
Lapras GX
Lunala GX
Primarina GX
Solgaleo GX
Tauros GX
Umbreon GX
SM Base Set
- Uncommon
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Nest Ball [N]
Nest Ball [R]
SM Base Set
- Common
Darkness Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Fairy Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Fire Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Grass Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Lightning Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Metal Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Psychic Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
Water Energy (2017 Unnumbered) [R]
SM Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
- Uncommon
Alolan Raichu (#30 Holofoil) [H]
SM Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
- Common
Rockruff (#29) [H]
Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit (JP Exclusive)
- Promo
Ash's Friendship (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Ash's Pikachu-GX (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [H]
Bewear (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Bruxish (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Gumshoos (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Litten - 059/SM-P (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Lycanroc (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Mareanie (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Meowth (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Rockruff (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Rowlet (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Salandit (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Stufful (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Tapu Koko (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Tauros (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Team Rocket's Harassment (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Team Rocket's Mimikyu-GX (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [H]
Togedemaru (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Toxapex (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Wobbuffet (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
Yungoos (Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit) [N]
SM - Guardians Rising
- Code Card
Code Card - Decidueye GX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Espeon GX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Guardian Rising Build & Battle Box [N]
Code Card - Guardians Rising Elite Trainer Box [N]
Code Card - Guardians Rising Theme Deck - "Steel Sun" [Solgaleo] [N]
Code Card - Incineroar GX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Legendary Battle Decks [Ho-Oh] [N]
Code Card - Legendary Battle Decks [Lugia] [N]
Code Card - Mega Powers Collection [N]
Code Card - Primarina GX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Umbreon GX Premium Collection [N]
SM - Guardians Rising
- Secret Rare
Alolan Ninetales GX
Aqua Patch
Decidueye GX
Double Colorless Energy
Drampa GX
Enhanced Hammer
Field Blower
Fighting Energy
Grass Energy
Incineroar GX
Kommo-o GX
Lightning Energy
Lycanroc GX
Max Potion
Metagross GX
Primarina GX
Rare Candy
Sylveon GX
Tapu Koko GX
Tapu Lele GX
Toxapex GX
Turtonator GX
Vikavolt GX
Wishiwashi GX
SM - Guardians Rising
- Full Art
Alolan Ninetales GX
Drampa GX
Kommo-o GX
Lycanroc GX
Metagross GX
Sylveon GX
Tapu Koko GX
Tapu Lele GX
Toxapex GX
Turtonator GX
Vikavolt GX
Wishiwashi GX
SM - Guardians Rising
- Ultra Rare
Alolan Ninetales GX
Kommo-o GX
Lycanroc GX
Metagross GX
Sylveon GX
Tapu Lele GX
Toxapex GX
Turtonator GX
Wishiwashi GX
SM - Guardians Rising
- Holo Rare
Mimikyu [H]
Mimikyu [R]
SM - Guardians Rising
- Uncommon
Field Blower [N]
Field Blower [R]
Rescue Stretcher [N]
Rescue Stretcher [R]
SM - Guardians Rising
- Common
Alolan Vulpix [R]
SM - Burning Shadows
- Code Card
Code Card - Burning Shadows Elite Trainer Box [N]
Code Card - Burning Shadows Single Pack Blister [Komala] [N]
Code Card - Charizard GX Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Kommo-o GX Box [N]
SM - Burning Shadows
- Secret Rare
Alolan Muk GX
Bodybuilding Dumbbells
Charizard GX
Choice Band
Darkness Energy
Darkrai GX
Escape Rope
Fairy Energy
Fire Energy
Gardevoir GX
Golisopod GX
Lycanroc GX
Machamp GX
Marshadow GX
Multi Switch
Necrozma GX
Noivern GX
Rescue Stretcher
Salazzle GX
Super Scoop Up
Tapu Bulu GX
Tapu Fini GX
SM - Burning Shadows
- Full Art
Alolan Muk GX
Darkrai GX
Gardevoir GX
Golisopod GX
Ho-Oh GX
Lycanroc GX
Machamp GX
Marshadow GX
Necrozma GX
Noivern GX
Salazzle GX
Tapu Bulu GX
Tapu Fini GX
SM - Burning Shadows
- Ultra Rare
Alolan Muk GX
Charizard GX
Darkrai GX
Gardevoir GX
Golisopod GX
Ho-Oh GX
Machamp GX
Marshadow GX
Necrozma GX
Noivern GX
Tapu Fini GX
SM - Burning Shadows
- Uncommon
Guzma [N]
Guzma [R]
Shining Legends
- Code Card
Code Card - Shining Legends Figure Collection: Shiny Darkrai GX [N]
Code Card - Shining Legends Super-Premium Collection [Ho-Oh GX] [N]
Shining Legends
- Secret Rare
Entei GX
Mewtwo GX
Raichu GX
Zoroark GX
Shining Legends
- Full Art
Entei GX
Mewtwo GX
Pokemon Breeder
Shining Legends
- Ultra Rare
Entei GX
Mewtwo GX
Raichu GX
Zoroark GX
Shining Legends
- Shiny Holo Rare
Mewtwo GX (Secret Shining) [H]
Shining Arceus [H]
Shining Genesect [H]
Shining Jirachi [H]
Shining Mew [H]
Shining Rayquaza [H]
Shining Volcanion [H]
Shining Legends
- Uncommon
Double Colorless Energy [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
Venusaur [N]
Venusaur [R]
Shining Legends
- Common
Bulbasaur [R]
Pikachu [R]
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Code Card
Code Card - Crimson Invasion 3 Pack Blister [Lucario] [N]
Code Card - Crimson Invasion Prerelease Kit [N]
Code Card - Crimson Invasion Theme Deck - "Destruction Fang" [Hydreigon] [N]
Code Card - Guzzlord GX Box [N]
Code Card - Mimikyu Sidekick Collection [N]
Code Card - Pikachu Sidekick Collection [N]
Code Card - Ultra Beasts GX Premium Collection [Buzzwole GX & Xurkitree GX] [N]
Code Card - Ultra Beasts GX Premium Collection [Pheromosa GX & Celesteela GX] [N]
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Secret Rare
Alolan Exeggutor GX
Alolan Golem GX
Buzzwole GX
Counter Catcher
Counter Energy
Guzzlord GX
Gyarados GX
Kartana GX
Nihilego GX
Silvally GX
Warp Energy
Water Energy
Wishful Baton
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Full Art
Alolan Exeggutor GX
Alolan Golem GX
Buzzwole GX
Guzzlord GX
Gyarados GX
Kartana GX
Nihilego GX
Silvally GX
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Ultra Rare
Alolan Exeggutor GX
Alolan Golem GX
Buzzwole GX
Guzzlord GX
Gyarados GX
Kartana GX
Nihilego GX
Silvally GX
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Holo Rare
Gengar [H]
Gengar [R]
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Uncommon
Counter Catcher [N]
Counter Catcher [R]
Counter Energy [R]
Gladion [R]
Lusamine [R]
SM - Crimson Invasion
- Common
Pikachu [R]
McDonald's Promos 2017
- Promo
Alolan Diglett - 9/12 [H]
Alolan Meowth - 8/12 [H]
Cosmog - 6/12 [H]
Crabrawler - 7/12 [H]
Cutiefly - 10/12 [H]
Grubbin - 2/12 [H]
Litten - 3/12 [H]
Pikachu - 5/12 [H]
Pikipek - 11/12 [H]
Popplio - 4/12 [H]
Rowlet - 1/12 [H]
Yungoos - 12/12 [H]
SM - Ultra Prism
- Code Card
Code Card - Legends of Johto GX Premium Collection Box [N]
Code Card - Necrozma Prism Tin [Dusk Mane Necrozma GX] [N]
Code Card - Spring 2018 Collector's Chest Tin [N]
Code Card - Ultra Prism 3 Pack Blister [Alolan Vulpix] [N]
Code Card - Ultra Prism Elite Trainer Box [Dawn Wings Necrozma] [N]
Code Card - Ultra Prism Elite Trainer Box [Dusk Mane Necrozma] [N]
Code Card - Ultra Prism Single Pack Blister [Kirlia] [N]
Code Card - Ultra Prism Theme Deck - "Imperial Command" [Empoleon] [N]
SM - Ultra Prism
- Secret Rare
Celesteela GX
Crushing Hammer
Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
Dialga GX
Dusk Mane Necrozma GX
Escape Board
Glaceon GX
Leafeon GX
Lunala GX
Missing Clover
Palkia GX
Peeking Red Card
Pheromosa GX
Solgaleo GX
Unit Energy GRW
Unit Energy LPM
Xurkitree GX
SM - Ultra Prism
- Prism Rare
Darkrai Prism Star
Giratina Prism Star
Lunala Prism Star
Solgaleo Prism Star
SM - Ultra Prism
- Full Art
Celesteela GX
Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
Dialga GX
Dusk Mane Necrozma GX
Glaceon GX
Leafeon GX
Palkia GX
Pheromosa GX
Pokemon Fan Club
Xurkitree GX
SM - Ultra Prism
- Ultra Rare
Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
Dialga GX
Dusk Mane Necrozma GX
Glaceon GX
Leafeon GX
Palkia GX
Silvally GX
SM - Ultra Prism
- Holo Rare
Torterra [R]
Weavile [R]
Weavile [H]
SM - Ultra Prism
- Uncommon
Cynthia [R]
Cynthia [N]
Lillie [R]
Pal Pad [R]
Unit Energy GRW [R]
Unit Energy LPM [R]
Volkner [R]
SM - Ultra Prism
- Common
Alolan Vulpix [R]
Cherubi [R]
Eevee (104) [R]
Eevee (105) [R]
Piplup (32) [R]
Sneasel [R]
Turtwig (6) [R]
SM Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan Ninetales
- Promo
Alolan Ninetales (17) [N]
Alolan Ninetales (30) [H]
SM Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan Ninetales
- Uncommon
Prinplup (13) [N]
SM Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan Ninetales
- Common
Alolan Vulpix (14) [N]
Alolan Vulpix (29) [N]
Eevee (26) [N]
Jigglypuff (22) [N]
Piplup (11) [N]
SM - Forbidden Light
- Code Card
Code Card - Dawn Wings Necrozma Box [N]
Code Card - Dawn Wings Necrozma Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Dusk Mane Necrozma Premium Collection [N]
Code Card - Forbidden Light Single Blister Pack [Rockruff] [N]
Code Card - Forbidden Light Theme Deck - "Twilight Rogue" [Lycanroc] [N]
Code Card - Forces of Nature Premium Collection [N]
SM - Forbidden Light
- Secret Rare
Beast Ring
Dialga GX
Energy Recycler
Greninja GX
Lucario GX
Metal Frying Pan
Mysterious Treasure
Naganadel GX
Palkia GX
Ultra Necrozma GX
Unit Energy FDY
Xerneas GX
Yveltal GX
Zygarde GX
SM - Forbidden Light
- Prism Rare
Arceus Prism Star
Diancie Prism Star
SM - Forbidden Light
- Full Art
Crasher Wake
Dialga GX
Greninja GX
Lucario GX
Naganadel GX
Palkia GX
Ultra Necrozma GX
Ultra Recon Squad
Xerneas GX
Yveltal GX
Zygarde GX
SM - Forbidden Light
- Ultra Rare
Dialga GX
Greninja GX
Naganadel GX
Palkia GX
Ultra Necrozma GX
Xerneas GX
Yveltal GX
Zygarde GX
SM - Forbidden Light
- Holo Rare
Aurorus [R]
Aurorus [H]
Pheromosa [R]
Pheromosa [H]
Tyrantrum [H]
Tyrantrum [R]
SM - Forbidden Light
- Rare
Buzzwole [R]
Sylveon [N]
Sylveon [R]
Xurkitree [R]
SM - Forbidden Light
- Uncommon
Amaura [R]
Dedenne [R]
Fossil Excavation Map [R]
Frogadier [R]
Judge [R]
Lady [R]
Metal Frying Pan [R]
Mysterious Treasure [R]
Mysterious Treasure [N]
Poipole [R]
Tyrunt [N]
Tyrunt [R]
Unit Energy FDY [R]
SM - Celestial Storm
- Code Card
Code Card - Battle Arena Deck [Mega Blast