Price List
Standard Sets
Expanded Sets
Unlimited Sets
Other and Unsorted
Box Prices
Source: TCGplayer Mid
TCGplayer Low
TCGplayer Mid
TCGplayer Market
Crown Zenith
- Radiant Rare
Radiant Charizard [H]
Crown Zenith
- Code Card
Code Card - Crown Zenith Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box Plus [N]
Crown Zenith
- Secret Rare
Crown Zenith
- Full Art
Darkness Energy (Texture Full Art)
Elesa's Sparkle
Fire Energy (Texture Full Art)
Friends in Hisui
Friends in Sinnoh
Grass Energy (Texture Full Art)
Lightning Energy (Texture Full Art)
Metal Energy (Texture Full Art)
Professor's Research
Psychic Energy (Texture Full Art)
Water Energy (Texture Full Art)
Crown Zenith
- Ultra Rare
Charizard V
Charizard VSTAR
Eevee V
Leafeon VSTAR
Rayquaza VMAX (101)
Rayquaza VMAX (102)
Rotom V
Zeraora VMAX
Crown Zenith
- Holo Rare
Sky Seal Stone [R]
Crown Zenith: Galarian Gallery
- Secret Rare
Arceus VSTAR
Giratina VSTAR
Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR
Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR
Crown Zenith: Galarian Gallery
- Ultra Rare
Cheren's Care
Colress's Experiment
Cynthia's Ambition
Darkrai VSTAR
Deoxys VMAX
Deoxys VSTAR
Drapion V
Entei V
Gardenia's Vigor
Glaceon VSTAR
Hatterene VMAX
Hisuian Samurott V
Hisuian Samurott VSTAR
Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR
Hoopa V
Leafeon VSTAR
Lumineon V
Mewtwo VSTAR
Raikou V
Regigigas VSTAR
Simisear VSTAR
Suicune V
Zacian V
Zamazenta V
Zeraora VMAX
Zeraora VSTAR
SV: Scarlet & Violet Promo Cards
- Double Rare
Charizard ex - 161 [H]
Raging Bolt ex - 145 [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet Promo Cards
- Promo
Aegislash - 060 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Ampharos ex - 016 [H]
Baxcalibur - 019 (Prerelease) [H]
Baxcalibur - 019 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Bouffalant - 136 [H]
Bouffalant - 136 [Staff] [R]
Charizard ex - 056 [H]
Charizard ex - 074 [H]
Charmander - 004/165 (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Charmander - 044 [H]
Charmander - 044 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Charmeleon - 005/165 (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Chi-Yu - 057 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Chien-Pao - 152 [H]
Chien-Pao - 152 (Staff) [H]
Chien-Pao ex - 030 [H]
Cinderace ex - 163 [H]
Cleffa - 037 (Prerelease) [H]
Cleffa - 037 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Crabominable - 134 [H]
Crabominable - 134 [Staff] [R]
Drifblim - 135 [H]
Drifblim - 135 [Staff] [R]
Eevee - 173 [H]
Eevee - 173 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Feraligatr - 089 (Prerelease) [H]
Feraligatr - 089 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Flutter Mane - 097 [H]
Flutter Mane - 097 (Pokemon Center) [H]
Froslass - 117 [Staff] [H]
Fuecoco - 002 [H]
Fuecoco - 079 [H]
Gouging Fire - 151 [H]
Gouging Fire - 151 (Staff) [H]
Greninja ex - 054 [H]
Greninja ex - 132 [H]
Hawlucha - 007 (Prerelease) [H]
Hawlucha - 007 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Houndoom ex - 103 [H]
Indeedee - 154 (Staff) [H]
Infernape - 116 [Staff] [H]
Iono - 124 [H]
Iron Bundle - 058 (Prerelease) [H]
Iron Bundle - 058 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Iron Bundle - 066 [H]
Iron Bundle - 066 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Iron Thorns - 098 [H]
Iron Thorns - 098 (Pokemon Center) [H]
Kangaskhan ex - 055 [H]
Kingambit - 130 [H]
Kingdra ex - 131 [H]
Koraidon - 014 [H]
Koraidon - 014 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Koraidon - 091 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Lapras ex - 164 [H]
Ledian - 133 [H]
Ledian - 133 [Staff] [R]
Lucario ex - 017 [H]
Magneton - 153 [H]
Magneton - 153 (Staff) [H]
Magneton - 159 [H]
Magneton - 159 (Pokémon Center Exclusive) [H]
Mawile - 039 (Prerelease) [H]
Mawile - 039 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Melmetal ex - 104 [H]
Meowscarada ex - 078 [H]
Metang - 090 (Prerelease) [H]
Metang - 090 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Mew ex - 053 [H]
Mewtwo - 052 [H]
Mimikyu - 075 [H]
Mimikyu - 075 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Miraidon - 013 [H]
Miraidon - 013 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Miraidon - 092 (Prerelease) [H]
Miraidon - 092 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Miraidon - 148 [H]
Miraidon ex - 143 [H]
Murkrow - 021 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Noctowl - 141 [H]
Noctowl - 141 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Oddish - 102 [N]
Palafin - 036 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Paradise Resort - 045 (World Championships 2023) [N]
Paradise Resort - 045 (World Championships 2023) [Staff] [N]
Paradise Resort - 150 (World Championships 2024) [N]
Paradise Resort - 150 (World Championships 2024) [Staff] [N]
Pawmot - 006 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Pecharunt - 129 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Pelipper - 022 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Pikachu - 001/SV-P (JP Exclusive) [H]
Pikachu - 027 [H]
Pikachu - 027 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Pikachu - 088 [H]
Pikachu - 101 [N]
Pikachu - 190 [N]
Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat [N]
Quaquaval - 005 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Quaxly - 003 [H]
Revavroom - 008 (Prerelease) [H]
Revavroom - 008 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Roaring Moon ex - 067 [H]
Scream Tail - 065 [H]
Scream Tail - 065 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Sinistcha - 022/167 (Prerelease) [H]
Skeledirge ex - 081 [H]
Snorlax - 051 [H]
Snorlax - 051 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Sprigatito - 001 [H]
Sprigatito - 076 [H]
Sylveon - 172 [H]
Tatsugiri - 118 [H]
Tatsugiri - 118 [Staff] [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon - 123 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [H]
Terapagos ex - 165 [H]
Thwackey - 115 [Staff] [H]
Tinkaton - 020 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Tinkaton ex - 031 [H]
Togekiss - 038 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
Victini ex - 142 [H]
Xatu - 059 (Prerelease) [Staff] [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet Promo Cards
- Ultra Rare
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 166
SV: Scarlet & Violet Promo Cards
- Rare
Xatu - 059 (Prerelease) [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet Promo Cards
- Common
Squirtle - 007/165 (Pokemon Center Exclusive) [R]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Code Card
Code Card - Scarlet & Violet Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box (Exclusive) [Koraidon] [N]
Code Card - Scarlet & Violet Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box (Exclusive) [Miraidon] [N]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Hyper Rare
Basic Fighting Energy - 258/198 [H]
Basic Lightning Energy - 257/198 [H]
Koraidon ex - 254/198 [H]
Miraidon ex - 253/198 [H]
Nest Ball - 255/198 [H]
Rare Candy - 256/198 [H]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Special Illustration Rare
Arven - 249/198 [H]
Gardevoir ex - 245/198 [H]
Great Tusk ex - 246/198 [H]
Iron Treads ex - 248/198 [H]
Jacq - 250/198 [H]
Koraidon ex - 247/198 [H]
Miraidon ex - 244/198 [H]
Miriam - 251/198 [H]
Penny - 252/198 [H]
Spidops ex - 243/198 [H]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Illustration Rare
Armarouge - 203/198 [H]
Bombirdier - 219/198 [H]
Clauncher - 205/198 [H]
Dolliv - 200/198 [H]
Dondozo - 207/198 [H]
Drowzee - 210/198 [H]
Fidough - 213/198 [H]
Greavard - 214/198 [H]
Kingambit - 220/198 [H]
Kirlia - 212/198 [H]
Klawf - 217/198 [H]
Mabosstiff - 218/198 [H]
Pachirisu - 208/198 [H]
Pawmot - 209/198 [H]
Ralts - 211/198 [H]
Riolu - 215/198 [H]
Sandile - 216/198 [H]
Scovillain - 202/198 [H]
Skwovet - 222/198 [H]
Slowpoke - 204/198 [H]
Starly - 221/198 [H]
Tarountula - 199/198 [H]
Toedscool - 201/198 [H]
Wiglett - 206/198 [H]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Ultra Rare
Arcanine ex - 224/198
Arven - 235/198
Banette ex - 229/198
Gardevoir ex - 228/198
Gyarados ex - 225/198
Jacq - 236/198
Katy - 237/198
Koraidon ex - 231/198
Miraidon ex - 227/198
Miriam - 238/198
Penny - 239/198
Professor's Research - 240/198
Professor's Research - 241/198
Team Star Grunt - 242/198
Toxicroak ex - 232/198
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Uncommon
Arven - 166/198 [N]
Arven - 166/198 [R]
Nest Ball - 181/198 [R]
Penny - 183/198 [R]
Ultra Ball [R]
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
- Common
Basic Fire Energy (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Basic Psychic Energy (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Basic Water Energy (Cosmos Holo) [H]
Pal Pad [R]
Pokegear 3.0 [N]
Pokegear 3.0 [R]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Special Illustration Rare
Boss's Orders - 265/193 [H]
Chi-Yu ex - 259/193 [H]
Chien-Pao ex - 261/193 [H]
Dendra - 266/193 [H]
Giacomo - 267/193 [H]
Grusha - 268/193 [H]
Iono - 269/193 [H]
Meowscarada ex - 256/193 [H]
Quaquaval ex - 260/193 [H]
Saguaro - 270/193 [H]
Skeledirge ex - 258/193 [H]
Squawkabilly ex - 264/193 [H]
Ting-Lu ex - 263/193 [H]
Tinkaton ex - 262/193 [H]
Wo-Chien ex - 257/193 [H]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Double Rare
Chien-Pao ex - 061/193 [H]
Pikachu ex [H]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Hyper Rare
Basic Grass Energy - 278/193 [H]
Basic Water Energy - 279/193 [H]
Chien-Pao ex - 274/193 [H]
Meowscarada ex - 271/193 [H]
Quaquaval ex - 273/193 [H]
Skeledirge ex - 272/193 [H]
Super Rod - 276/193 [H]
Superior Energy Retrieval - 277/193 [H]
Ting-Lu ex - 275/193 [H]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Illustration Rare
Arctibax - 209/193 [H]
Baxcalibur - 210/193 [H]
Bramblin - 198/193 [H]
Crocalor - 202/193 [H]
Dudunsparce - 229/193 [H]
Eiscue - 205/193 [H]
Farigiraf - 228/193 [H]
Flamigo - 227/193 [H]
Fletchinder - 199/193 [H]
Floragato - 197/193 [H]
Frigibax - 208/193 [H]
Fuecoco - 201/193 [H]
Gothorita - 213/193 [H]
Grafaiai - 223/193 [H]
Heracross - 194/193 [H]
Magikarp - 203/193 [H]
Marill - 204/193 [H]
Maushold - 226/193 [H]
Mismagius - 212/193 [H]
Nacli - 220/193 [H]
Orthworm - 224/193 [H]
Paldean Tauros - 218/193 [H]
Paldean Wooper - 221/193 [H]
Pyroar - 200/193 [H]
Quaxly - 206/193 [H]
Quaxwell - 207/193 [H]
Rabsca - 215/193 [H]
Raichu - 211/193 [H]
Rookidee - 225/193 [H]
Sandygast - 214/193 [H]
Sprigatito - 196/193 [H]
Sudowoodo - 219/193 [H]
Tinkatink - 216/193 [H]
Tinkatuff - 217/193 [H]
Tropius - 195/193 [H]
Tyranitar - 222/193 [H]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Secret Rare
Paldean Tauros - 172/091
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Ultra Rare
Annihilape ex - 242/193
Bellibolt ex - 237/193
Boss's Orders - 248/193
Chi-Yu ex - 234/193
Chien-Pao ex - 236/193
Dedenne ex - 239/193
Dendra - 250/193
Giacomo - 252/193
Grusha - 253/193
Iono - 254/193
Meowscarada ex - 231/193
Noivern ex - 246/193
Paldean Clodsire ex - 244/193
Quaquaval ex - 235/193
Skeledirge ex - 233/193
Slowking ex - 238/193
Squawkabilly ex - 247/193
Tinkaton ex - 240/193
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Rare
Boss's Orders - 172/193 [R]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Uncommon
Iono - 185/193 [R]
SV02: Paldea Evolved
- Common
Super Rod - 188/193 [R]
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Special Illustration Rare
Charizard ex - 223/197 [H]
Eiscue ex - 222/197 [H]
Geeta - 226/197 [H]
Pidgeot ex - 225/197 [H]
Poppy - 227/197 [H]
Revavroom ex - 224/197 [H]
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Illustration Rare
Bellibolt - 201/197 [H]
Cleffa - 202/197 [H]
Gloom - 198/197 [H]
Houndour - 204/197 [H]
Larvitar - 203/197 [H]
Lechonk - 209/197 [H]
Ninetales -199/197 [H]
Palafin - 200/197 [H]
Pidgeotto - 208/197 [H]
Pidgey - 207/197 [H]
Scizor - 205/197 [H]
Varoom - 206/197 [H]
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Hyper Rare
Artazon - 229/197 [H]
Basic Fire Energy - 230/197 [H]
Charizard ex - 228/197 [H]
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Double Rare
Charizard ex - 125/197 [H]
Dragonite ex [H]
Pidgeot ex [H]
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Ultra Rare
Absol ex - 214/197
Charizard ex - 215/197
Eiscue ex - 210-197
Geeta - 218/197
Pidgeot ex - 217/197
Tyranitar ex - 211/197
SV03: Obsidian Flames
- Uncommon
Arven [R]
Arven [N]
Umbreon [R]
Prize Pack Series Three
- Double Rare
Gardevoir ex - 086/198 [H]
Prize Pack Series Three
- Ultra Rare
Lumineon V
Prize Pack Series Three
- Rare
Manaphy [H]
Prize Pack Series Three
- Uncommon
Cheren's Care [N]
Cynthia's Ambition [N]
Double Turbo Energy [H]
Double Turbo Energy [N]
Grotle [N]
Magma Basin [H]
Roseanne's Backup [N]
McDonald's Promos 2023
- Promo
Pikachu [H]
Sprigatito [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Code Card
Code Card - 151 Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box (Exclusive) [N]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Illustration Rare
Bulbasaur - 166/165 [H]
Caterpie - 172/165 [H]
Charmander - 168/165 [H]
Charmeleon - 169/165 [H]
Dragonair - 181/165 [H]
Ivysaur - 167/165 [H]
Machoke - 177/165 [H]
Mr. Mime - 179/165 [H]
Nidoking - 174/165 [H]
Omanyte - 180/165 [H]
Pikachu - 173/165 [N]
Pikachu - 173/165 [H]
Poliwhirl - 176/165 [H]
Psyduck - 175/165 [H]
Squirtle - 170/165 [H]
Tangela - 178/165 [H]
Wartortle - 171/165 [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Hyper Rare
Basic Psychic Energy - 207/165 [H]
Mew ex - 205/165 [H]
Switch - 206/165 [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Special Illustration Rare
Alakazam ex - 201/165 [H]
Blastoise ex - 200/165 [H]
Charizard ex - 199/165 [H]
Erika's Invitation - 203/165 [H]
Giovanni's Charisma - 204/165 [H]
Venusaur ex - 198/165 [H]
Zapdos ex - 202/165 [H]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Double Rare
Blastoise ex - 009/165 [H]
Charizard ex - 006/165 [H]
Mew ex - 151/165 [H]
Mew ex - 205/165 (151 Metal Card) [N]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Ultra Rare
Alakazam ex - 188/165
Arbok ex - 185/165
Bill's Transfer - 194/165
Blastoise ex - 184/165
Charizard ex - 183/165
Daisy's Help - 195/165
Erika's Invitation - 196/165
Giovanni's Charisma - 197/165
Golem ex - 189/165
Jynx ex - 191/165
Kangaskhan ex - 190/165
Mew ex - 193/165
Ninetales ex - 186/165
Venusaur ex - 182/165
Wigglytuff ex - 187/165
Zapdos ex - 192/165
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Rare
Dragonite [R]
Electrode [R]
Flareon [R]
Gengar [R]
Jolteon [R]
Mewtwo [R]
Vaporeon [R]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Uncommon
Big Air Balloon [R]
Dragonair - 148/165 [R]
Energy Sticker [R]
Erika's Invitation - 160/165 [R]
Exeggutor [R]
Giovanni's Charisma - 161/165 [R]
Grabber [R]
Hitmonchan [R]
Hitmonlee [R]
Hypno [R]
Kabuto [R]
Kingler [R]
Lapras [R]
Omanyte - 138/165 [R]
Onix [R]
Pinsir [R]
Rigid Band [R]
Scyther [R]
Seaking [R]
Snorlax [R]
Tauros [R]
SV: Scarlet & Violet 151
- Common
Antique Dome Fossil [R]
Antique Helix Fossil [R]
Kakuna [R]
Magmar [R]
Metapod [R]
Nidoran F [R]
Nidoran M [R]
Pidgeotto [R]
Poliwhirl - 061/165 [R]
Spearow [R]
Squirtle - 007/165 (Cosmos Holo) (Costco Exclusive) [H]
Weepinbell [R]
My First Battle
- Unconfirmed
Bulbasaur [N]
Bulbasaur (Blue Border) [N]
Charmander [N]
Charmander (Blue Border) [N]
Gyarados [N]
Pikachu [N]
Pikachu (Blue Border) [N]
Squirtle [N]
Squirtle (Blue Border) [N]
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Hyper Rare
Beach Court - 263/182 [H]
Counter Catcher - 264/182 [H]
Garchomp ex - 260/182 [H]
Iron Valiant ex - 261/182 [H]
Luxurious Cape - 265/182 [H]
Reversal Energy - 266/182 [H]
Roaring Moon ex - 262/182 [H]
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Special Illustration Rare
Altaria ex - 253/182 [H]
Garchomp ex - 245/182 [H]
Gholdengo ex - 252/182 [H]
Golisopod ex - 246/182 [H]
Iron Hands ex - 248/182 [H]
Iron Valiant ex - 249/182 [H]
Mela - 254/182 [H]
Parasol Lady - 255/182 [H]
Professor Sada's Vitality - 256/182 [H]
Professor Turo's Scenario - 257/182 [H]
Rika - 258/182 [H]
Roaring Moon ex - 251/182 [H]
Sandy Shocks ex - 250/182 [H]
Tapu Koko ex - 247/182 [H]
Tulip - 259/182 [H]
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Double Rare
Gholdengo ex - 139/182 [H]
Iron Hands ex - 070/182 [H]
Mewtwo ex [H]
Roaring Moon ex [H]
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Illustration Rare
Aegislash - 210/182 [H]
Aipom - 211/182 [H]
Blitzle - 195/182 [H]
Brute Bonnet - 207/182 [H]
Crustle - 183/182 [H]
Cyclizar - 215/182 [H]
Dottler - 184/182 [H]
Espathra - 197/182 [H]
Ferrothorn - 209/182 [H]
Garbodor - 204/182 [H]
Garganacl - 202/182 [H]
Gimmighoul - 198/182 [H]
Groudon - 199/182 [H]
Iron Jugulis - 216/182 [H]
Iron Moth - 187/182 [H]
Joltik - 196/182 [H]
Loudred - 212/182 [H]
Magby - 186/182 [H]
Mantyke - 189/182 [H]
Mienshao - 200/182 [H]
Minior - 201/182 [H]
Minun - 194/182 [H]
Morpeko - 206/182 [H]
Plusle - 193/182 [H]
Porygon-Z - 214/182 [H]
Slither Wing - 203/182 [H]
Snorunt - 188/182 [H]
Steelix - 208/182 [H]
Swablu - 213/182 [H]
Toedscruel - 185/182 [H]
Vanillish - 190/182 [H]
Veluza - 192/182 [H]
Wimpod - 191/182 [H]
Yveltal - 205/182 [H]
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Ultra Rare
Aegislash ex - 230/182
Altaria ex - 232/182
Armarouge ex - 218/182
Bombirdier ex - 234/182
Cofagrigus ex - 224/182
Froslass ex - 217/182
Garchomp ex - 219/182
Gholdengo ex - 231/182
Golisopod ex - 221/182
Hoopa ex - 226/182
Iron Hands ex - 223/182
Iron Valiant ex - 225/182
Larry - 235/182
Maushold ex - 233/182
Mela - 236/182
Norman - 237/182
Parasol Lady - 238/182
Professor Sada's Vitality - 239/182
Professor Turo's Scenario - 240/182
Rika - 241/182
Roaring Moon ex - 229/182
Roark - 242/182
Sandy Shocks ex - 228/182
Shauntal - 243/182
Tapu Koko ex - 222/182
Toxtricity ex - 227/182
Tsareena ex - 220/182
Tulip - 244/182
SV04: Paradox Rift
- Uncommon
Counter Catcher [R]
Counter Catcher [N]
Earthen Vessel [R]
Earthen Vessel [N]
Professor Turo's Scenario [R]
Technical Machine: Evolution [R]
Trading Card Game Classic
- Classic Collection
Articuno [H]
Blastoise [H]
Bulbasaur [H]
Chansey [H]
Charizard [H]
Charmander [H]
Charmeleon [H]
Clefable [H]
Clefairy [H]
Gyarados [H]
Ivysaur [H]
Lapras [H]
Magikarp [H]
Mewtwo [H]
Pikachu [H]
Scyther [H]
Snorlax [H]
Squirtle [H]
Venusaur [H]
Wartortle [H]
Trading Card Game Classic
- Holo Rare
VS Seeker (CLB) [H]
VS Seeker (CLC) [N]
VS Seeker (CLV) [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Hyper Rare
Chi-Yu ex [H]
Chien-Pao ex [H]
Koraidon ex [H]
Miraidon ex [H]
Ting-Lu ex [H]
Wo-Chien ex [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Double Rare
Charizard ex - 054/091 [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Special Illustration Rare
Arven [H]
Charizard ex - 234/091 [H]
Clive - 236/091 [H]
Gardevoir ex - 233/091 [H]
Iono - 237/091 [H]
Mew ex - 232/091 [H]
Nemona - 238/091 [H]
Penny [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Shiny Ultra Rare
Alakazam ex [H]
Gardevoir ex - 217/091 [H]
Mew ex - 216/091 [H]
Noivern ex - 220/091 [N]
Noivern ex - 220/091 [H]
Pidgeot ex [H]
Squawkabilly ex - 223/091 [H]
Wigglytuff ex [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Shiny Rare
Abomasnow [H]
Abra [H]
Annihilape - 171/091 [H]
Arboliva [H]
Arctibax [H]
Armarouge - 115/091 [H]
Baxcalibur [H]
Bisharp [H]
Capsakid [H]
Ceruledge - 162/091 [H]
Charcadet - 114/091 [H]
Charmander - 109/091 [H]
Charmeleon - 110/091 [H]
Cleffa [H]
Cyclizar - 195/091 [H]
Dachsbun - 161/091 [H]
Ditto [H]
Dodrio [H]
Doduo [H]
Dolliv [H]
Dondozo [H]
Drifblim [H]
Drifloon [H]
Electrode [H]
Entei [H]
Finizen [H]
Flamigo [H]
Flittle - 164/091 [H]
Frigibax - 128/091 [H]
Garganacl [H]
Glimmet [H]
Gloom [H]
Grafaiai [H]
Greedent [H]
Hawlucha [H]
Hoppip [H]
Houndstone - 168/091 [H]
Jigglypuff [H]
Jumpluff [H]
Kadabra [H]
Kilowattrel - 146/091 [H]
Kingambit [H]
Kirlia - 154/091 [H]
Klefki [H]
Lechonk - 207/091 [H]
Lucario [H]
Luxio [H]
Luxray [H]
Mabosstiff - 188/091 [H]
Mankey - 169/091 [H]
Maushold - 210/091 [H]
Mime Jr. - 157/091 [H]
Mimikyu -160/091 [H]
Murkrow [H]
Nacli - 176/091 [H]
Naclstack [H]
Natu - 151/091 [H]
Noibat - 194/091 [H]
Oddish [H]
Oinkologne - 208/091 [H]
Oricorio [H]
Pachirisu [H]
Palafin - 124/091 [H]
Paldean Tauros - 111/091 [H]
Paldean Tauros - 120/091 [H]
Paldean Tauros - 172/091 [H]
Paldean Wooper - 180/091 [H]
Pawmi - 142/091 [H]
Pawmo [H]
Pawmot [H]
Pawniard [H]
Pelipper [H]
Pidgeotto [H]
Pidgey [H]
Pikachu - 131/091 [H]
Pineco - 099/091 [H]
Primeape - 170/091 [H]
Rabsca [H]
Raichu - 132/091 [H]
Ralts - 153/091 [H]
Rellor [H]
Revavroom - 193/091 [H]
Riolu [H]
Sableye [H]
Scizor [H]
Scovillain [H]
Scyther [H]
Shinx [H]
Shroodle - 189/091 [H]
Skiploom [H]
Skwovet [H]
Slowbro [H]
Slowpoke [H]
Smoliv [H]
Sneasel [H]
Snorlax [H]
Snover [H]
Spiritomb [H]
Starmie [H]
Staryu [H]
Tandemaus - 209/091 [H]
Tatsugiri [H]
Thundurus [H]
Tinkatink [H]
Tinkaton [H]
Tinkatuff [H]
Toedscool - 105/091 [H]
Toxel [H]
Toxtricity [H]
Varoom - 192/091 [H]
Veluza - 125/091 [H]
Vileplume [H]
Voltorb [H]
Wattrel [H]
Weavile [H]
Wigglytuff [H]
Wiglett - 121/091 [H]
Wingull [H]
Wugtrio - 122/091 [H]
Xatu - 152/091 [H]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Rare
Mimikyu - 037/091 [N]
Professor's Research - 087/091 [N]
SV: Paldean Fates
- Uncommon
Nest Ball [R]
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Hyper Rare
Gouging Fire ex - 214/162 [H]
Iron Boulder ex - 217/162 [H]
Iron Crown ex - 216/162 [H]
Iron Leaves ex - 213/162 [H]
Raging Bolt ex - 218/162 [H]
Walking Wake ex - 215/162 [H]
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Double Rare
Gengar ex - 104/162 [H]
Raging Bolt ex - 123/162 [H]
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Special Illustration Rare
Bianca's Devotion - 209/162 [H]
Eri - 210/162 [H]
Gouging Fire ex - 204/162 [H]
Iron Boulder ex - 207/162 [H]
Iron Crown ex - 206/162 [H]
Iron Leaves ex - 203/162 [H]
Morty's Conviction - 211/162 [H]
Raging Bolt ex - 208/162 [H]
Salvatore - 212/162 [H]
Walking Wake ex - 205/162 [H]
SV05: Temporal Forces
Awakening Drum [N]
Hero's Cape [H]
Master Ball [H]
Maximum Belt [H]
Neo Upper Energy [H]
Prime Catcher [H]
Prime Catcher [N]
Reboot Pod [N]
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Illustration Rare
Arbok - 176/162 [H]
Bronzor - 170/162 [H]
Charjabug - 169/162 [H]
Chatot - 181/162 [H]
Cinccino - 183/162 [H]
Cutiefly - 172/162 [H]
Deerling - 165/162 [H]
Drampa - 184/162 [H]
Excadrill - 174/162 [H]
Gastly - 177/162 [H]
Grotle - 164/162 [H]
Lickitung - 180/162 [H]
Litten - 167/162 [H]
Meltan - 179/162 [H]
Metagross - 178/162 [H]
Minccino - 182/162 [H]
Mudsdale - 175/162 [H]
Relicanth - 173/162 [H]
Reuniclus - 171/162 [H]
Sawsbuck - 166/162 [H]
Shiftry - 163/162 [H]
Snom - 168/162 [H]
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Ultra Rare
Bianca's Devotion - 197/162
Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking - 198/162
Eri - 199/162
Explorer's Guidance - 200/162
Farigiraf ex - 194/162
Gengar ex - 193/162
Gouging Fire ex - 188/162
Incineroar ex - 187/162
Iron Boulder ex - 192/162
Iron Crown ex - 191/162
Iron Leaves ex - 186/162
Morty's Conviction - 201/162
Raging Bolt ex - 196/162
Scizor ex - 195/162
Torterra ex - 185/162
Walking Wake ex - 189/162
SV05: Temporal Forces
- Uncommon
Buddy-Buddy Poffin [N]
Buddy-Buddy Poffin [R]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
Legacy Energy [H]
Secret Box [H]
Unfair Stamp [H]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Hyper Rare
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 222/167 [H]
Buddy-Buddy Poffin [H]
Enhanced Hammer - 224/167 [H]
Luminous Energy [H]
Rescue Board [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 221/167 [H]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Special Illustration Rare
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 216/167 [H]
Carmine - 217/167 [H]
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 215/167 [H]
Greninja ex - 214/167 [H]
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 212/167 [H]
Kieran - 218/167 [H]
Lana's Aid - 219/167 [H]
Perrin - 220/167 [H]
Sinistcha ex - 210/167 [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 211/167 [H]
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 213/167 [H]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Double Rare
Dragapult ex - 130/167 [H]
Iron Thorns ex - 077/167 [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 025/167 [H]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Illustration Rare
Applin - 185/167 [H]
Chansey - 187/167 [H]
Chimecho - 179/167 [H]
Cramorant - 176/167 [H]
Dipplin - 170/167 [H]
Eevee - 188/167 [H]
Enamorus - 180/167 [H]
Froslass - 174/167 [H]
Heliolisk - 177/167 [H]
Hisuian Growlithe - 181/167 [H]
Infernape - 173/167 [H]
Lairon - 184/167 [H]
Phione - 175/167 [H]
Pinsir - 168/167 [H]
Poltchageist - 171/167 [H]
Probopass - 182/167 [H]
Sunflora - 169/167 [H]
Tatsugiri - 186/167 [H]
Timburr - 183/167 [H]
Torkoal - 172/167 [H]
Wattrel - 178/167 [H]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Ultra Rare
Blissey ex - 201/167
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex - 202/167
Carmine - 204/167
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 199/167
Dragapult ex - 200/167
Greninja ex - 198/167
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 192/167
Iron Thorns ex - 196/167
Kieran - 206/167
Lana's Aid - 207/167
Luxray ex - 195/167
Palafin ex - 193/167
Perrin - 209/167
Scream Tail ex - 197/167
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 190/167
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 194/167
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Uncommon
Bug Catching Set [R]
Carmine - 145/167 [R]
Glaceon [R]
SV06: Twilight Masquerade
- Common
Drakloak [R]
Dreepy [R]
Battle Academy 2024
- Holo Rare
Armarouge ex (Armarouge 60) [H]
Darkrai ex (Darkrai) [H]
Pikachu ex (Pikachu 60) [H]
Battle Academy 2024
- Uncommon
Nest Ball - Pikachu 44 [N]
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Double Rare
Fezandipiti ex - 038/064 [H]
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Special Illustration Rare
Cassiopeia - 094/064 [H]
Fezandipiti ex - 092/064 [H]
Munkidori ex - 091/064 [H]
Okidogi ex - 090/064 [H]
Pecharunt ex - 093/064 [H]
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Illustration Rare
Bewear - 079/064 [H]
Cresselia - 071/064 [H]
Cufant - 076/064 [H]
Dusclops - 069/064 [H]
Dusknoir - 070/064 [H]
Duskull - 068/064 [H]
Fezandipiti [H]
Fraxure - 077/064 [H]
Horsea - 067/064 [H]
Houndoom - 066/064 [H]
Munkidori [H]
Okidogi [H]
Persian - 078/064 [H]
Tapu Bulu - 065/064 [H]
Zorua - 075/064 [H]
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Hyper Rare
Basic Darkness Energy [H]
Basic Metal Energy [H]
Earthen Vessel [H]
Pecharunt ex - 095/064 [H]
Powerglass - 097/064 [H]
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Ultra Rare
Cassiopeia - 086/064
Colress's Tenacity - 087/064
Fezandipiti ex - 084/064
Janine's Secret Art - 088/064
Kingdra ex - 080/064
Munkidori ex - 083/064
Okidogi ex - 082/064
Pecharunt ex - 085/064
Xerosic's Machinations - 089/064
SV: Shrouded Fable
- Uncommon
Night Stretcher [R]
Night Stretcher [N]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Code Card
Code Card - Stellar Crown Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box (Exclusive) [N]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Special Illustration Rare
Briar - 171/142 [H]
Dachsbun ex - 169/142 [H]
Galvantula ex - 168/142 [H]
Hydrapple ex - 167/142 [H]
Lacey - 172/142 [H]
Terapagos ex - 170/142 [H]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Double Rare
Blastoise ex [H]
Hydrapple ex - 014/142 [H]
Lapras ex - 032/142 [H]
Terapagos ex - 128/142 [H]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Hyper Rare
Area Zero Underdepths - 174/142 [H]
Bravery Charm [H]
Terapagos ex - 173/142 [H]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Illustration Rare
Archaludon - 155/142 [H]
Bulbasaur [H]
Crabominable - 149/142 [H]
Gulpin - 154/142 [H]
Joltik - 150/142 [H]
Ledian - 144/142 [H]
Lileep - 145/142 [H]
Meditite - 153/142 [H]
Milcery - 152/142 [H]
Raboot - 147/142 [H]
Squirtle [H]
Turtonator - 146/142 [H]
Zeraora - 151/142 [H]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Ultra Rare
Briar - 163/142
Cinderace ex - 157/142
Crispin - 164/142
Dachsbun ex - 160/142
Galvantula ex - 159/142
Hydrapple ex - 156/142
Kofu - 165/142
Lacey - 166/142
Lapras ex - 158/142
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Uncommon
Crispin - 133/142 [R]
SV07: Stellar Crown
- Common
Basic Darkness Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Fighting Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Fire Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Grass Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Lightning Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Metal Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Psychic Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Basic Water Energy (Cracked Ice Holo) [H]
Hoothoot [R]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Code Card
Code Card - Surging Spark Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box [N]
SV08: Surging Sparks
Brilliant Blender [H]
Energy Search Pro [H]
Precious Trolley [H]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Hyper Rare
Alolan Exeggutor ex - 248/191 [H]
Counter Gain - 249/191 [H]
Gravity Mountain - 250/191 [H]
Jet Energy [H]
Night Stretcher - 251/191 [H]
Pikachu ex - 247/191 [H]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Special Illustration Rare
Alolan Exeggutor ex - 242/191 [H]
Archaludon ex - 241/191 [H]
Clemont's Quick Wit - 243/191 [H]
Drayton - 244/191 [H]
Durant ex - 236/191 [H]
Hydreigon ex - 240/191 [H]
Jasmine's Gaze - 245/191 [H]
Latias ex - 239/191 [H]
Lisia's Appeal - 246/191 [H]
Milotic ex - 237/191 [H]
Pikachu ex - 238/191 [H]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Double Rare
Archaludon ex - 130/191 [H]
Ceruledge ex [H]
Hydreigon ex - 119/191 [H]
Kilowattrel ex [R]
Latias ex - 076/191 [H]
Pikachu ex - 057/191 [H]
Sylveon ex [H]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Illustration Rare
Alolan Dugtrio - 208/191 [H]
Appletun - 211/191 [H]
Braviary - 214/191 [H]
Bruxish - 200/191 [H]
Castform Sunny Form - 195/191 [H]
Ceruledge - 197/191 [H]
Cetitan - 201/191 [H]
Clobbopus - 207/191 [H]
Exeggcute - 192/191 [H]
Feebas - 198/191 [H]
Flapple - 210/191 [H]
Kecleon - 213/191 [H]
Larvesta - 196/191 [H]
Latios - 203/191 [H]
Mesprit - 204/191 [H]
Phanpy - 205/191 [H]
Shiinotic - 194/191 [H]
Skarmory - 209/191 [H]
Slakoth - 212/191 [H]
Spheal - 199/191 [H]
Stunfisk - 202/191 [H]
Vibrava - 206/191 [H]
Vivillon - 193/191 [H]
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Ultra Rare
Alolan Exeggutor ex - 225/191
Archaludon ex - 224/191
Black Kyurem ex - 218/191
Clemont's Quick Wit - 229/191
Cyclizar ex - 228/191
Drasna - 231/191
Drayton - 232/191
Flygon ex - 222/191
Hydreigon ex - 223/191
Jasmine's Gaze - 233/191
Latias ex - 220/191
Lisia's Appeal - 234/191
Milotic ex - 217/191
Palossand ex - 221/191
Pikachu ex - 219/191
Scovillain ex - 216/191
Slaking ex - 227/191
Surfer - 235/191
Tatsugiri ex - 226/191
SV08: Surging Sparks
- Common
Eevee [R]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
Max Rod [H]
Prime Catcher [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Hyper Rare
Iron Leaves ex [H]
Pikachu ex - 179/131 [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 177/131 [H]
Terapagos ex - 180/131 [H]
Walking Wake ex [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Double Rare
Dragapult ex - 073/131 [H]
Eevee ex - 075/131 [H]
Espeon ex - 034/131 [H]
Flareon ex - 014/131 [H]
Glaceon ex - 026/131 [H]
Iron Hands ex - 031/131 [H]
Iron Thorns ex [H]
Jolteon ex - 030/131 [R]
Jolteon ex - 030/131 [H]
Leafeon ex - 006/131 [H]
Lugia ex [H]
Pikachu ex - 028/131 [H]
Snorlax ex [H]
Sylveon ex - 041/131 [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 012/131 [H]
Terapagos ex - 092/131 [H]
Umbreon ex - 060/131 [H]
Vaporeon ex - 023/131 [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Code Card
Code Card - Prismatic Evolutions Pokemon Center Elite Trainer Box [N]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Special Illustration Rare
Amarys - 170/131 [H]
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex [H]
Ceruledge ex [H]
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex - 160/131 [H]
Crispin - 171/131 [H]
Dragapult ex - 165/131 [H]
Drayton [H]
Eevee ex - 167/131 [H]
Espeon ex - 155/131 [H]
Flareon ex - 146/131 [H]
Gholdengo ex [H]
Glaceon ex - 150/131 [H]
Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex - 148/131 [H]
Iron Crown ex [H]
Iron Hands ex - 154/131 [H]
Iron Valiant ex [H]
Janine's Secret Art - 173/131 [H]
Jolteon ex - 153/131 [H]
Kieran - 174/131 [H]
Lacey - 175/131 [H]
Leafeon ex - 144/131 [H]
Palafin ex [H]
Pecharunt ex [H]
Raging Bolt ex [H]
Roaring Moon ex [H]
Sandy Shocks ex - 159/131 [H]
Sylveon ex - 156/131 [H]
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex - 145/131 [H]
Terapagos ex - 169/131 [H]
Umbreon ex - 161/131 [H]
Vaporeon ex - 149/131 [H]
Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex - 152/131 [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Ultra Rare
Amarys - 132/131
Atticus - 133/131
Atticus - 134/131
Friends in Paldea - 137/131
Larry's Skill - 139/131
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Rare
Archaludon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Bloodmoon Ursaluna (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dudunsparce (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dudunsparce (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Dusknoir (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dusknoir (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Espeon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Espeon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Fezandipiti (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Flareon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Flareon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Flutter Mane (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Glaceon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Glaceon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Groudon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Groudon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Iron Boulder (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Jolteon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Jolteon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Leafeon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Leafeon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Munkidori (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Munkidori (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Noctowl (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Noctowl (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Okidogi (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Roaring Moon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Roaring Moon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Sylveon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Sylveon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Umbreon [R]
Umbreon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Umbreon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Vaporeon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Vaporeon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Whimsicott (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Uncommon
Area Zero Underdepths (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Binding Mochi (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Briar (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Bronzong (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Bronzong (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Buddy-Buddy Poffin (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Bug Catching Set (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Carmine (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Crispin - 105/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Dipplin (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dipplin (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Earthen Vessel (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Exeggutor (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Explorer's Guidance (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Festival Grounds (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Glass Trumpet (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Great Tusk (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Great Tusk (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Hawlucha (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Hawlucha (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Heatran (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Heatran (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Janine's Secret Art - 112/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Kieran - 113/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Lacey - 114/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Ogre's Mask (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor Sada's Vitality (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor Turo's Scenario (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Pyroar (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Pyroar (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Regigigas [R]
Regigigas (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Regigigas (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Rescue Board (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Scream Tail (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Scream Tail (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Seaking (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Seaking (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Shaymin (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Shaymin (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Slowking (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Slowking (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Suicune (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Suicune (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Techno Radar (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
SV: Prismatic Evolutions
- Common
Applin (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Applin (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Aromatisse (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Aromatisse (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Black Belt's Training - 096/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Black Belt's Training - 097/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Black Belt's Training - 098/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Black Belt's Training - 099/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Bronzor (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Bronzor (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Budew [R]
Budew [N]
Budew (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Budew (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Buneary (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Buneary (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Cottonee (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Drakloak (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Drakloak (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Dreepy (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dreepy (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Dunsparce (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dunsparce (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Duraludon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Duraludon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Dusclops (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Dusclops (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Duskull (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Duskull (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Eevee (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Eevee (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Exeggcute (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Exeggcute (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Fan Rotom (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Fan Rotom (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Friends in Paldea - 109/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Furfrou (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Furfrou (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Goldeen (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Goldeen (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Haban Berry (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Hippopotas (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Hippopotas (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Hippowdon (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Hippowdon (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Hoothoot (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Hoothoot (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Houndoom (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Houndoom (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Houndour (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Houndour (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Larry's Skill - 115/131 (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Larvitar (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Larvitar (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Litleo (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Litleo (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Lopunny (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Lopunny (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Miltank (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Miltank (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Noibat (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Noibat (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Pinsir (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Pinsir (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor's Research [Professor Elm] (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor's Research [Professor Oak] (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor's Research [Professor Rowan] (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Professor's Research [Professor Sycamore] (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Pupitar (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Pupitar (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Riolu (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Riolu (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Roto-Stick (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Slowpoke (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Slowpoke (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Sneasel (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
Sneasel (Poke Ball Pattern) [H]
Spritzee (Master Ball Pattern) [H]
McDonald's Promos 2024
- Promo
Dragonite [H]
Pikachu [H]
Roaring Moon [H]